Author Topic: Role Playing in Blockland  (Read 3559 times)

Hi there!!!! :cookieMonster: Look at my pic!!

If it's a family RP, I'll ask if swearing is not allowed.

If yes, I simply reply with "forget forgetity stuff tittie stuffforget McGee"

I've been to some good RPs, but generally you people suck at RPing so it doesn't work too often.

My colony RP where me and some other guys were dorfs and Cyanian led the cyan island and such was pretty fun. Everyone was able to get fire igniters and burn down other buildings and such.

I Remember that, i used to be a spy :o. Also I Wish it was hosted again :c.

Wow, L, you love these theoretical questions, don't you.

"kan i b ur son/daughtr"

"kan i b ur dog/cat"

can i be ur national socialist

There is a massive difference between RP and RPG that many people don't understand.
RPG's generally don't have much RPing since people treat them as MMO's.

RP's are games that don't specifically focus on killing and leveling up stuff, but going through daily life events during that set time period/setting.

I favor the RP side though.

I occasionally roleplay with some folks over at Disc's server with the Wasteland build. There's a good enough mix of imaginative things (eg, just SAYING things and pretending they happen) and using bots or bricks to make it good.

I remember the good ol' days when I did "paragraph RPs" on a game I forget.
It was pretty much all text-based, but was still fun.
Now we got you kids and your silly "RP mods" and "three-dimensional movement."

just SAYING things and pretending they happen
Like yiff?

Yeah, that's pretty fun.

 I'm not a big fan of modern-themed RP's/RPG's, I prefer the futuristic types. I also like it when people are original... Like, for instance, Family RP's are just too common. School RP's are rare, but outer-space RP's are...(shakes head)
 I find RP's/RPG's as something to build creativity on. Come up with your own theme, don't copy. And when people go over-the-top in a... horrific or exaggerated way, then forget it.