Author Topic: Thinking of selling games at EB Games for Halo: Reach  (Read 867 times)


So yeah, I'm broke and I have some old games I want to try and sell to get enough money for Halo Reach.
They have a deal right now where every game traded in towards it gets you an extra 25% on it's value which isn't bad either.

Here's a list of games I've considered selling, I might add to the list if I find any other games to sell.

Guarantee Selling List
Left 4 Dead 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Tales of Vesperia (seriously I never even played that stuff)
Fallout 3

Maybe Selling List
Red Dead Redemption (I know it's a great game but I'm tight on cash)
Banjo Kazooie, Nuts and Bolts (shame I never beat it)

My question is, would I get much for selling any of these?

So they give you an extra $.30 per game? Pffffff.

If EB Games is anything like Gamestop you'll get 6 dollars for all of those games.

As true as the past statements are I don't think I'll get that ripped off.
I got $5.00 for some really old stuffty game anyway, and I've seen the most wanted lists ask for like $40.00 for games.

If EB Games is anything like Gamestop you'll get 6 dollars for all of those games.
EB Games is owned by Gamestop

EB Games is owned by Gamestop
I've gotten better trade-in deals at EB, so I always go there.
Meh, I'd guess maybe 20-30 dollars, since most of those are decent games.

I just asked my dad for Reach and he said we will get it tomorrow...

Good luck to you too btw

Well I have to earn all the money to buy something I want.

Around $15.75
Oh, and a Tim Horton's gift card with $0.01 left on it.

So yeah I actually want to get this in time and not get it like a year after it's released going "HEY GUYS I JUST GOT REACH WANNA PLAY?"

I ha\/e a debit card with 20 bucks on it and thats it

I have a bank card with $10.00 on it but it's lost somewhere in my room.

you can sell it for x3423543535 more than on any game store

you can sell it for x3423543535 more than on any game store
I'm sorry but that's probably the most local game store where I live.
Name some that would sell for more and I'll see if there are any close by.

Go up to your dad and ask, 'Hey, is there anything I can do for money around the house?' My dad would give me $5 for mowing the backyard and front yard. Not a lot but it's the only main income

my cousin tried to sell like 8 games a few weeks ago...

only got like 20$ for about 5 of them :/

kinda a rip off :P?

You'll be lucky if you even get 20% of the original cost of a game you paid for years ago. That's how life is. I waste tons of money on texts for a semester only to get back roughly 17% of what I paid for.

Now if you have games that were collector's edition, see eBay for sure. Especially if you have a ton of old games for something like the NES or SNES, sell them as a Lot and you'll get some decent profit out of it at least.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 06:36:08 AM by Ronin »