Author Topic: Puzzle - Game  (Read 808 times)

It's like Sherlock Holmes, discover who killed, what weapon and why.

Case 1: The Surgeon

“In the midnight, here in Blockland, lies a murder.”

In the quiet streets of Blockland, Helga hears screams, loud and unhuman, it came from a house, that wasn’t that far from Police Department.
She quickly contacted the police, and they took a look at it, it was an unhuman murder, one woman and one man, were mutilated, it looked more like a vengeance, their chests were open, no face and there were no organs, they were stolen, organ stealer?
   The Special Police, were called to do the job of discovering, the why of the crime, what weapon, and who did it.
They got the victims names, they were, Martha and Rick.
   After investigating various times the house, they found a digital, which followed to Garry Bones, a robber, who was dead, and here came another puzzle, if he was dead, what were his digitals doing in the house.
   Later, after another week of research, while brown townyzing the bodies, our medic, Cab, found something inside their skulls, a map and a card, that was written “What if you could revive people?” And the map, was up to a place inside the house, the basement, but Rick’s brain was missing.
   The Special Police started to investigate the house over again, and in the basement, they found a body, missing it’s face, they had a face of terror, suddently a heavy glow comes, making them Pass out.
   Immediately backup was called, and noticed the same things their chests were open, and they had no face.
They’ve search for all the medics with a criminal list, and found “Cab” and “Helga”.
So it made them suspect, Cab and Helga. Later on they found more 4 people around the house, their friends, Helen, John, Fon and James, They were in the house 2 days before the murder, also, John in the day of their meet, John had a fight with the couple, about John being ignorant by asking them for money.
   The Special Police, heard Helen testimony and she said she discussed with Martha about Rick cheating on her, because he started getting late home, “Martha got mad at me, and said: HE’S NOT, IT’S BUSINESS, And I stood quiet, and went home some minutes later”
   The Special Police searched about the “Business” and discovered that they were in debt with Fon, a huge value, around 35,000,00 bucks, that was alot.
   Back in the house, James was being questioned, and he said, “Rick was a mad guy, he’s not dead, he’s not dead”, that surprised us, we asked more about it and he said “He got 35,000,00 bucks for building something in the basement.
   The Special Police also found out that Rick had a fight with Martha, making him leave home.

Helga Confirmed by ?

A) Reason
B) Weapon
C) Murder(s)


Clue A: (Weapon) Part I of IV
A)   Used in the Kitchen
B)   N-K are 2 letters of the weapon, once the four parts are done

Clue B:
Cab was fascinated for Plastic Surgery when he was in college.

Clue C: (Weapon) Part II of IV
A)   Used to cut various things
B)   F-I are 2 letters of the weapon, once the four parts are done

Clue D:
John was in debt with Illegal Loans, and he said he was going to pay within 2 days

Clue E: (Weapon) Part III of IV
A)   E is 1 letter about the weapon

Clue F:
Rick used to love science, and in all the time in his office he kept looking at the parts of the body and mechanical parts.

Clue G: (Weapon) Part IV of IV
A)   I-K-N-E-F combine someway.

Clue H:
Cab and Rick were friends secretly.

Clue: I:
Rick had a fight with Martha, and his last words were “Time to Test”

No flame please

Try to discover who killed.

I'll give the answer at 9/25.

Also ignore the wrong words, if you find ones. :s
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 10:11:48 PM by Khain »

I think this should belong in Community Projects.
Anyway, my contributive post to the fame:
Suspect is Fon!

A wizard did it!

Helga is out because she heard the scream, And called the police!

I think this should belong in Community Projects.
Anyway, my contributive post to the fame:
Suspect is Fon!
Hmm mabey. :o

I think it's Fon, because of the fact he never got all the money they owed him.