Author Topic: How did you come up with your name? and its history?  (Read 16163 times)

1. made "imthehunter"
2. eventually changed it to "I'm The Hunter" because I liked it being gramatically correct
3. Made it shorter to fit in BL playerlist, "ImTheHunter"
4. For Blockintosh, I needed to pay attention to chat more, since I didn't respond to Hunter and wasn't used to it
5. Added my real name (Mackenzie) into the name, "MackTheHunter"
6. Profit?

Why did you link to a bjork music video.

I made up this name when i was like 8 or 9 years old, i had just started playing games on multiplayer, and i had to choose an online name.

At the time, i was obsesses with Megaman, but i guess i didn't want people to think i was copying the game, so i shortened it down to Mega, and for some reason i felt as though i had to add numbers, don't ask me why, i don't know.

Ever since then it's been one of the online names that just sort of stuck with me.

I don't remember how I came up with it.

I started using it on JTV, I still use the account too.

Why did you link to a bjork music video.

Bjork - Hunter

She says "I'm The Hunter" a bunch of times, durrrrrr

Started at Left4Life. Obvious and dumb.
Everyone then started calling me "Lefty", Or Leftus.


Started at Left4Life. Obvious and dumb.
Everyone then started calling me "Lefty", Or Leftus.

leftus is right handed

Lets see how you can figure mine out....

I just wanted a name that seemed original and interesting. Since my class was studying ancient Roman history at the time, and there was an article about the official "Pliny", I decided to use that as a name. No one else had taken it, or really seemed to know about it, so it's been my name. I've been thinking about changing it to something else with a P, such as 'Plinori', because the P seems to stick as a username, despite the fact that my real name has absolutely no P's in it. Originally, my username was going to be 'Tezla', but my brother played blockland for a bit while that was my set name, so I dropped it out of paranoia that his playing on multiplayer servers would carry over into me playing as well, and that if we met any others who had met our blockhead at different times, there would be confusion.

I was coolspencer7 at first...then Coolspencer77...then ThatGuy....then Zuero....then TheBlackEagle...then Zuero. C:
My name just popped into my mind. c:

Part of my first name + my last name.

Simple, really.

My name Showdown
I watch the Ultimate Showdown like 4 or 5 years ago.. Then I saw my step sister playing Runescape (back when it was better) I asked if I could play and stuff.. I ended up liking it so she made me an account and I was stuck on ideas for my name.. She brought up that video she showed me.. And I popped 997 to the end of it for the year I was born, then I just took it off..

When I was younger I had a lego minifigure and I called him chefkokkie because chefkok is dutch for chef cook and he was a cook person. Later I decided to recreate him in RTB 1.045 and used the name as well and the name just stuck and I still use it on the internet today.

Ephialtes is a Greek Titan or something.

Ephialtes betrayed the greeks in the war with the persians at the battle of Thermopylae.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 09:54:29 AM by Chefkokkie »