Author Topic: VS Saxton Hale  (Read 3097 times)


VS Saxton Hale is a mod where red team goes up against Saxton hale.

Saxton Hale can 1 hit most classes, and the classes get critical hits with most weapons against Saxton Hale.  If red team kills Hale or captures the arena's control point, they win.  If Saxton Hale kills all of red team or captures the arena's control point, he wins.  You cannot use nasatcha.

Special actions for Hale:
Hold control for a few seconds, then look up and stand = Super Jump
Taunt with full rage =  Stun players with a mighty roar

Servers with the mod: Here

Fun stuff.

Sounds fun, But who's saxton hale?

Seriously, who is he?
Oh, a TF2 character. *yawn*

Some buff hairy Aussie that fights sharks? Pfft.

Seriously, who is he?
Oh, a TF2 character. *yawn*
Some buff hairy Aussie that fights sharks? Pfft.
Oh man, you guys are so cool, I wanna be like you when I grow up.

Oh man, you guys are so cool, I wanna be like you when I grow up.
Yeah, we find this character uninteresting so that means we're trying to be cool.

Yeah, we find this character uninteresting so that means we're trying to be cool.

Yeah but you're a friend

DracoSoul claims another victory

Yeah but you're a friend
WHOA GUYS, I find TF2 characters to be lame! Guess that means I'm a homoloveual!
You're stupid.

Yeah, we find this character uninteresting so that means we're trying to be cool.
Well then, don't care, don't post.

WHOA GUYS, I find TF2 characters to be lame! Guess that means I'm a homoloveual!
You're stupid.

No, I'm Gary Oak!