Author Topic: I just played Minesweeper  (Read 1253 times)

Yup, I thought I would do atleast one youtube video to get me 'Started'.

And yes, thats me yelling.

You set the game to have like 250 mines.

"What the FU**" = Raaage

My cousins wanted me to find a minesweeper game that let you set the height and width to what ever you want.

I never found one.

Now someone make video with one mine and your first click is mine.

Do it.

My cousins wanted me to find a minesweeper game that let you set the height and width to what ever you want.

I never found one.
Open Minesweeper then go to
Game > Options > Custom

You can set it to like 9 - 24 x 9 - 30 and have from 67 - 668 (Depending on field size) mines.

They tried that, The windows XP versions only go up to 24x30.

Now someone make video with one mine and your first click is mine.

Do it.

I'm on it!

God dammit. Failing is hard. >:C
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 02:02:43 PM by Zephyrs »

I'm on it!

God dammit. Failing is hard. >:C
The first click is always going to be safe because the field pretty much generates on the first click. You have to press the "Restart this game" after you click on the mine to be able to fail on the first click (That is, if you remember where the mine is).

Minesweeper likes to crash with Fraps. ):

only losers play custom games.

i tie at 912th world place,
at 112 seconds on expert.

i have a special mouse i only use with minesweeper as well.
you gotta learn to use right, left, and multi clicking real fast.
and learn the patterns so you dont even have to think where mines could be.

people think its tons of guessing.
but on expert, i might only be forced to guess 2 or 3 times a game.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 03:03:02 PM by Bisjac »

Not as good as Bisjac, but here's my scores.

i have a special mouse i only use with minesweeper as well.
What is different about it?