Author Topic: Riots vatarars and random gifs and art  (Read 2515 times)

 I stash my avatars here, don't bother giving me any helpful suggestions.



 I have moar but I can't find :I
 And some of these are just put together with image edits.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 09:06:36 AM by Riot »

 Smudge Paint:

 Me and Showdown:



Do you have higher resolution images of those (1280x1024 minimum)?
I'd love to background those up.

Do you have higher resolution images of those (1280x1024 minimum)?
I'd love to background those up.

 No :c


Riot, you've eared yourself 15 gold stars for coolness.

I'm riot's bff, can I have cool points? :c

Where's your Duke Nukem avatar?