Author Topic: Can't join IRC  (Read 1060 times)

So I started up blockland which I hadent played in six days and go to see IRC and I get a message saying
*** Looking up your hostname...
*** Found your hostname (cached)
*** You are banned from CentralChat ([#26]) bye.)

I have no clue why I was banned I havent said anything on IRC chat cept to one of my friends for a long time, and even then that was on thursday then I hadent played until today.
I don't know why this is happening to me please help
PS: sometimes random friends sign into my name and use it. Could that be the problem? If so what do?

Your name is common, although you couldn't get banned from CentralChat by name (not essentially,) but it appears you have been banned from CentralChat itself.
Unplug your modem for 30 seconds and plug it back in. Your IP and Subnet Mask should be changed.

k Ill try that thanks :D

Nope didn't work
Anyone know what to do?

Doesnt change anything :C
Is there any REASON that I would be banned? like what does #26 mean?

Doesnt change anything :C
Is there any REASON that I would be banned? like what does #26 mean?

The #26 is the room ID, i believe? But anyways. You couldve spammed, used caps, etc. Just wait about 1-2 weeks. Thats what i did when i was banned.

I never use the actualy #rtb channel
I only use the chat inbetween me and a friend or two
are you sure I will be unbanned within 2 weeks?

Your name is D.

I remember once I thought you were =D and messaged you and from there


Anyhow, that doesn't really have anything to do with it, I'm fairly certain.

maybe it's a mistake.

And if you can't connect, try THIS.