Author Topic: 24/7 Minecraft Alpha server (Updated 10/31/10)  (Read 25734 times)

I'm a nice admin.

I'm making a village.

anyone want to move in???

We'll have a dome of glass.

Also, I ain't no hollaback girl.

Kazerdon > Your town.
if you town gets close to my town i'll kick your ass D:

Kazerdon > Your town.
if you town gets close to my town i'll kick your ass D:
Burn it to the ground and have a war when Pew installs PVP

Burn it to the ground and have a war when Pew installs PVP

PVP would suck. It'd basically be a server full of friends running around killing and stealing stuff.

Joe, you are pardon'd.


Also how big was that list of stuff I did, I've actually been wondering how much glass I broke, after all you said many glass.

Didn't think I broke much glass, though.

And I'm the one who removed the "You're a# Furry!" sigh, I burneded it.

Also I'd be happy to get wood/stone/cobblestone for anyone who wants it thats rebuilding there home.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 09:56:03 PM by Joekirk »

PVP would suck. It'd basically be a server full of friends running around killing and stealing stuff.


Also how big was that list of stuff I did, I've actually been wondering how much glass I broke, after all you said many glass.

Hm. Wasn't as much as I thought. I must have mixed you up with desolation.

2010-10-28 00:14:13 [INFO] gamertecno is breaking a Glass (22)
2010-10-28 00:14:14 [INFO] Antigrief incident coordinates : X=243 Y=74 Z=-348
2010-10-28 00:14:14 [INFO] gamertecno is breaking a Glass (23)
2010-10-28 00:26:13 [INFO] Antigrief incident coordinates : X=254 Y=67 Z=-359
2010-10-28 00:26:13 [INFO] gamertecno is breaking a Glass (24)
2010-10-28 00:26:13 [INFO] Antigrief incident coordinates : X=254 Y=67 Z=-359
2010-10-28 00:26:13 [INFO] gamertecno is breaking a Glass (25)
2010-10-28 00:26:13 [INFO] Antigrief incident coordinates : X=254 Y=67 Z=-359
2010-10-28 00:26:13 [INFO] gamertecno is breaking a Glass (26)
2010-10-28 00:27:55 [INFO] Antigrief incident coordinates : X=244 Y=74 Z=-348
2010-10-28 00:27:55 [INFO] gamertecno is breaking a Glass (27)
2010-10-28 00:28:16 [INFO] Antigrief incident coordinates : X=244 Y=74 Z=-342
2010-10-28 00:28:16 [INFO] gamertecno is breaking a Glass (28)
2010-10-28 00:32:01 [INFO] Antigrief incident coordinates : X=257 Y=64 Z=-354
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 10:26:48 PM by Pew446 »


I was surprised at how long Desolation's list was.

I was surprised at how long Desolation's list was.

Me as well.

But I didn't see any lava buckets in desolation's list, maybe he used lava blocks?

Me as well.

But I didn't see any lava buckets in desolation's list, maybe he used lava blocks?

My list is a result of abusive admins deciding to place Lava Blocks, Water Blocks, Fire, and other destructive items in a chest, I applaud thee, and I applaud the great admins with their pseudo justice.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 10:44:20 PM by Desolation »

The server will be experiencing some downtime during the week as I attempt to install more RAM into the server. Many people have been telling me my server is slow, and with only 1 GB of RAM, I believe them. I will try to install more RAM to speed things up. My CPU is having a hard time, and making my fans speed up/down every 5 seconds.

PVP would suck. It'd basically be a server full of friends running around killing and stealing stuff.
Well that's how it's going to be when Notch does it himself.

I plan on implementing PVP into the server. I really like castle wars.. But the lack of feathers and string make it hard to make a bow and arrow.

I plan on implementing PVP into the server. I really like castle wars.. But the lack of feathers and string make it hard to make a bow and arrow.
Ben has like 64 arrows and a bow in one of his chests.

Ben has like 64 arrows and a bow in one of his chests.


But anyways, in other news my server takes DDR RAM. I have 2 512MB cards and I am sure I can scrounge up some ram from my school's pile of pc junk. My teacher throws random pieces of equiptment for computers in there and allows anyone to take them for a good use.

Zou did infact destroy some things.

All three of the people banned will not be unbanned.

Pew disagrees.

that's fine.

Just don't do it again.

But desolation is never coming back ever.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 11:10:55 PM by SeventhSandwich »