Author Topic: 24/7 Minecraft Alpha server (Updated 10/31/10)  (Read 25779 times)

loving lava regenerates when blocked
and flaming blocks come back too
with the fire

« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 02:24:09 AM by Cybertails1998 »

I am thinking about doing a map reset. I have been wandering around and I notice that every 10 steps is something ugly, a tunnel, or some other piece of turd.


and GamerTechno have been banned for town grief. Although I think Gamer might not be a griefer. However, according to the griefalert logs, Gamer has deleted many glass, and used many many lava buckets.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 04:11:17 AM by Pew446 »

I am thinking about doing a map reset.

Actually now that i think about it, a reset would be k.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 08:48:34 AM by skill4life »

I have been wandering around and I notice that every 10 steps is something ugly, a tunnel, or some other piece of turd.

Obviously you haven't seen Kazerdon :3

I am thinking about doing a map reset. I have been wandering around and I notice that every 10 steps is something ugly, a tunnel, or some other piece of turd.


and GamerTechno have been banned for town grief. Although I think Gamer might not be a griefer. However, according to the griefalert logs, Gamer has deleted many glass, and used many many lava buckets.

I don't remember breaking glass, but the lava buckets were me removing the lava from the town, and using using them on water.

Kazerdon looks nice with trees.
It's been extremely quiet on the server, not one person has joined.

Uh is it all right if i build a house in one fo the plots? i'll pay you later

I don't understand why you people put your towns right on the spawn.

Make a starting town, and a better town faaarrr away, and only let people that have proved themselves not to be a griefer in.

And does lava bypass the nerfed fire? If it doesn't, only ops can set stuff on fire.

I don't understand why you people put your towns right on the spawn.

Make a starting town, and a better town faaarrr away, and only let people that have proved themselves not to be a griefer in.

Basically what i did, except i only allow friends/cool kids.

Basically what i did, except i only allow friends/cool kids.

Am I cool kid?

No but i am ;-)
Also how much are plots?

I think it was 10 pewbucks or something.

It was on one of the sighs in the trading post, before it burned down.

I think it was 10 pewbucks or something.

It was on one of the sighs in the trading post, before it burned down.
Oh , my friend built a house and put it up for sale he wanted to know how much to sell it for . :)