Author Topic: Zombie survival; PK1M Pandemic  (Read 65668 times)

profile: Tim coburn
clothing: black shirt blue jeans anda vans jacket.
Invority(cant spell that sorry): Combat knife 6 cokes 6 bottled waters animal crackers, cheese its and some french fries(lol)

it happend as my dad was driving us home. at 11:52pm we heard on the radio about a zombir outbreak in the us. all survivors were to meet in leavenworth kansas to be taken to the safe haven in alaska. just as we was pulling up a zombie comes out of nowhere gets my dad his girlfriend and my brother before i chop its neck off with the window. looks like im runnin to the meet spot. i grab 6 cokes 6 bottled waters animal crackers and a combat knife and head out to who-knows-where

Profile: Joseph Haner
clothing: White polo, black clip-on tie, pants, and shoes w/ gas mask.
Inventory: AR-15 w/ 30-round mag in gun, and 2 mags, Glock 19 w/ loaded mag and 3 more mags in a magazine pouch with AR-15 mags, Backpack, 2 bottles of water, a hydration pack, and an iPod Touch and 1 MRE.

I wake up, make an egg and a sausage. I start going on my computer, only to realize some websites down. And when I saw the news and blog posts, it hit me;

loving ZOMBIES.

I proceeded to arm myself and took my survival gear and weapons. I drove my car and I stumbled upon a survivor I murdered due to him mutating.

Profile Jason C.
Weaponry large wrench, pistol (costum built)
Clothing wight t-shrut camo pants camo jacket black shoes gray beanie
Inventory half used med pack, three clips for pistol, those army meals that they get in boxes, and a shot gun shell

three days after the first infection i saw a guy all bloody and very pale so i go ask him if he needs help he turns to me and trys to kill me so as soon as i get him off me i run to my house and lock all the doors grab some stuff and got the forget out their that was a month and a half ago now I'm halfway thru Canada (i live in Texas that's a Long walk to Alaska) so far so good.
                                           check in later for more
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 04:49:58 AM by jac107 »

Profile - Arijog
Weaponry - .22 semiautomatic Ruger Rifle, kitchen knife, my dad's Glock 19
Clothing - Just the clothes on my back.
Inventory - Pizza, a frying pan, a backpack, and other useless stuff.
Age: Thirteen years, one month, nineteen days.
Location: Colorado.

I woke up in my house to find myself quarantined. I shot the bubble and I escaped. My parents were zombies. I unwillingly shot and killed them with my .22 rifle. Then I turned on the TV. I watched some Doctor Who and the news. The news said, "BREAKING NEWS! ZOMBIE OUTBREAK! The reporter said, "There is currently a zombie outbreak in the US. Number of people infected is unknown." The reporter was making the stupid mistake of standing outside. A zombie walked up behind him and bit his neck. The scream was HORRIBLE. There was lots of blood. I immediately turned off the TV. An hour later, I decided to walk to Sonic and grab a slushie (FREE SLUSHIE WOOT). Halfway there, I got hit in the back of the head with something metallic and heavy. I was knocked out. <NOT DEAD>
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 08:09:16 PM by Gojira »

Another map for you. France.

After a few days of no sleep, just sailing on and on, I finally look upon the sight of Calais, France.
I am greeted by French Armed Forces and am taken to a helicopter landing pad straight away, They have been keeping the region under quarantine and have been waiting for any survivors from the UK.
We take off and as we leave the large camp I see the remains of France. The Infected populate the cities, dead bodies line the streets and helpless survivors on their rooftops screaming to be picket up. As we are flying over Paris, we lower altitude to help any people who may be alive. We fly low by a skyscraper and see a man sitting on wooden crate. We land on the roof and take him onboard.
"Hello, How are you?," I say.
"No good" He replies in a very strong French accent. "Mah family were killed by le strange creatures down there. I were the only survivor of the group, I been waiting for many days."
His story was sad, but the fact he had escaped un harmed was amazing!
The helicopter flys low past a skyscraper, we look across through the office windows and see one of the infected, It is running towards the window as it jumps.
"Infectés!" One of the soldiers shout, just as it smashes through the window and slams into the side of the helicopter. The helicopter tilts to the left and swerves around nearly hitting another tower. We lose a lot of altitude in a couple of seconds and smash down hitting a car and then tipping off onto the blood stained road.
Infected are running towards us, the zombie that jumped on crawls up to the side of the helicopter. A soldier pulls out his mp4 and shoots it while the other one climbs up out of the side and starts shooting the infected running towards us. They give us guns and we prepare for the worst.

I woke up in the back of a car. Luckily the people who knocked me out decided to take everything I had. I  still had my slushie, so I drank some of it. I grabbed the frying pan, slowly creeped up front, and knocked out my captors. Then I thought, forget, how do I get out now? Then I remembered my weapons. forget, no ammo. I searched my captor's pockets...

+30 G19 ammunition!
+2 15-round clips!

So then my Glock had some ammo. But what about my .22?
I broke the windows with my gun, and I searched the trunk. Nothing. Eventually I saw some zombies and shot them in the head with my .45. "Say goodbye to your heads, wankers!" I yelled crazily. The guys who knocked me out came to, and almost knocked me out again. This time I was ready. I shot their legs and ran off.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 05:48:08 PM by Gojira »

After an UNUSUALLY long time walking, I finally go inside the CDC Center. I am then greeted by the Attendant.

Attendant: May I help you?

Me: Yeah, I'm here to speak to the VP of Disease Control.

Attendant: Ah, you must be Charlie Wattson! The VP will be with you in a moment, lemme just page him. Take a seat.

-Minutes later-

Attendant: Alright, the VP is available. Swing by his office.

-At the Office-

VP: Do you have the Antidote?

Me: Yeah, right here.

Gave Prototype Antidote to CDC VP!

VP: Thank you, this antidote will be a fine addition to the on-growing survival of humanity.

"After giving that Vice the Antidote, I had a new sense of hope. But I still don't trust this guy. Hes too shady. Atleast I did something right. I swear, if Alaska becomes infected as well, I'll lose it. Considering Hawaii was quarantined before I arrived, I'm thinking I brought the virus with me. God, I need to calm down. Ever since I lost my Wife, I've been slowly losing it. I might as well leave and head for some God-Forsaken land.

I begin to fire at the horde, only to realize, nothing happens. The chopper stops and overs. Spotter says " Holy stuff, what happened?" I point to a trail of oil leading back to Hawaii. Saw it on the way here, I said to him. He nods, and hands me my spotters scope. I look, and see a boat getting hammered by what looks like zombie orcas. stuff. More work. My spotter says " We should get paid extra for this" "Hell yeah." I say back. We take aim and..
The boat explodes leaving the orcas in the debris path. "stuff, we need out get out of here!" The pilot nods. We fell a slight tip, and the chopper speeds away. 1 hour later, we see an island. I look, and there are survivors.  We land pick em up and head back. They owned the boat and jumped off when the orcas attacked. Once we get back, There is a riot. A shop has just now opened and won't let anyone in. I fire my rifle in the air, and everyone gets quiet. Then i reload and talk."Leave the shop alone if you want to live." Someone fires at me, hitting my arm. "Ahh, stuff!" I hit the deck at fire my uzi. He was a mercenary. OF course. I have had them on me a lot lately.

Bullet wound- Infection if not cured, leads to death.
Bullet in arm- -3 Aim.

Anyone want to meet up as characters?

I do.

I am lonely. I need someone to hang out with. If I don't find someone, I might as well kill myself.

I go back To the U.S.A to look for more survivors. Most likely, fighters.

Gojira where are you?

Colorado. I have a flight simulator, seems easy enough. I'll fly to Hawaii if I have to.
Oh, and I'm a fighter.
I can heal your arm as well.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 08:19:18 PM by Gojira »

The chooper lands me in Colorado. Ain't a bad place. I see a man, with weapons. I ask him who he is. he says who am I. i say "My name is Once. I am a Marine sniper. Want to stick with me? I am looking for more survivors. You look pretty fit for a zombie invasion. What weapons you got?"

I say I have a .22 Long Ruger rifle, a Glock 19, and a kitchen knife. No ammo for the .22, though.

I can stay with you.
<heals Once's arm>
Oh, and I'm Arijog.

Leslie and Charlie have decided to split up, leaving me and Jenny to fend for ourselves. Not that I mind, Jenny's got the heart n' soul of a warrior. We have almost crossed the border. Zombies are scarce but fierce.
Food is plenty.

If Once dies, then I'll have to kill myself. Rather be dead than alone or infected.

"Ya got any .22 long ammo, Once?"
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 08:30:25 PM by Gojira »