Author Topic: Zombie survival; PK1M Pandemic  (Read 65674 times)

I say I have a .22 Long Ruger rifle, a Glock 19, and a kitchen knife. No ammo for the .22, though.

I can stay with you.
<heals Once's arm>
Oh, and I'm Arijog.

Thank you. I say. i give him an extra guile suit. "I love these things. Great for sniping. YOu might wanna use it. Lets get to a gun store." I see a piece of paper in the ground. ITs a map. There is a store.  A gun store. I tell Arijog. I will let him make the choice wether to go or not.

-1 guile suit ( It's okay with me.)

Thanks, I say. Can we rob the gunstore? I went there and the whole place was infected. I guess I'll go there now that I have ammo for my Glock.

Daniel Greene's newest note.

"Sweden was infected, which means more rations factories are being constructed on the north end of the island. An antidote was apparently released recently, so that's another problem out of the way. But we have new problems. There's new zombie worshippers. That's seriously loving stupid."

Thanks, I say. Can we rob the gunstore? I went there and the whole place was infected. I guess I'll go there now that I have ammo for my Glock.

I agree. We start to go towards the gun store. Then, I see something. We are on a cliff, so I peer down.

Zombies. Lot's of em. I reach in my pack and show Arijog an airstrike beacon. I hand it to him adn say "You want the honors?"

Lol PowerDag, zombie worshippers.

"Jenny and I have almost made it to Alaska. We passed by a church. A cross made of human body parts was on display in the yard. Fairly grossed out, yet curious, we decided to take a look.
What we saw inside was straight out of a horror movie. Human guts, skin, and body parts were strewn across the floor and hung all over the wall. Candles flickered in small clusters around the altair. We catiously moved towards it, unaware of the two creeps about to knock us out.
Two hours later, or so I think- not really sure, I woke up tied to a cross which was nailed to a wall. I looked around the blood-soaked room, lit by dim candles. Jenny was next to me, and I saw Leslie on the far wall, crying her eyes out. Charlie was on the floor, in pieces, his guts thrown over the wall like a sick child had taken red paint and just wacked out. A door opened and a zombie walked in. It was dressed... Like a bishop. A rather bloody bishop, at least. Humans in cloaks were behind him, giving him praise as he walked up to Leslie, raped her, ripped her pieces. He was about to do the same to Jenny when an explosion went off on the above floor. Military personel killed everyone in the room but me and Jenny. They took us with them after ensuring we were not Infected. We are currently en route to Alaska.
-RIP Leslie, Charlie."

With the Antidote finally released, I can finally relax. No more infected turning into zombies. Unfortunately, reports of zombie-like activity is being reported in nearby areas. I was sent to investigate. I went inside one of the cabins, and they're was a zombie eating children.

I swear, zombies have no, loving, emotions.

After head-shotting that zombie, I decided to loot the cabin. Using my Toolkit, I broke the locks on several things and started my looting.

+1 Flaregun!
+1 Mysterious key!
+1 Hunting Rifle!
+5 Hunting Rifle Magazines!

Poor kids and mother, they didn't know that they were only a few couple miles away from civilization.

I report this to the Mayor, and he administers a fully-loaded Militia to protect the town. I wasn't picked, but atleast I can relax.

"Today, I found plentiful supplies. I am slowly starting to realize that there's more people out there than I think. I'm thinking about buying a chopper and going hunting for survivors. Again, I'm slowly losing my mind. I need to take a reality break sometime.

I agree. We start to go towards the gun store. Then, I see something. We are on a cliff, so I peer down.

Zombies. Lot's of em. I reach in my pack and show Arijog an airstrike beacon. I hand it to him adn say "You want the honors?"

"Yes please!" I say excitedly. I take the beacon and I throw it right into the center of the zombies...
I plug my ears and wait for the explosion. The explosion was louder than I thought it would be.

Name: Glimp Thread

Inventory: Mp5 with Laser Sight, 9mm Pistol, Hunting Rifle, Crowbar, 3 Pipe Bombs, Knife.

Clothing: Black Tactical Military Gear, Jacket with Hoodie, Bit Thick Black Pant's.

Items: Radio, Flashlight, Ammo

Story: *Flashback* I was going to Hawaii for vacation, I went in my room and then...*Flashback Over* I woke up, and I heard zombie screams, I grabed my weapons then headed down to the lobby, there were lots of zombies then I had to go and run out with my Parkour skills. I found my Corvette and raced out then I saw a safe house then I thought I was saved but it was empty. I found a camp woth spears and skulls on the top of them then I said, "Just what the forget I need." I walked a bit then I droped to the floor and my eyes shut.

I woke up and there were a bunch of people, one man came to me and punched me in the face and said, "Where are you from you little piece of stuff." I said, "I am from France, Paris." I got enjected with something then my eyes shut.


Day 1. I woke up this morning to find my wife dead.
The front windows were blasted. I found my dog under the bed, hiding.
I took him along with me. I grabbed my safety pistol from under the mattress, my 2-way radio and went outside.
Nothing yet, just a crashed car on fire, and lights flickering in a hotel room on the 23rd floor of the hotel across the street.
Jake (My dog) started to .sniff the dumpster in the alley next to my house, and as approached it, I braced myself.

Is anyone there? I am at the alley with the blue dumpster on the corner of 6th and Pine! What's going on? I have a bad feeling about this, but there's safety in numbers. Anyone wanna partner up?

Join me and Once. We'll get you a gun and some ammo. After that we'll attempt to make it to (hopefully) Alaska.

Guys come get me in Indiana. I'm barricaded in my basement and I only have enough supplies for roughly another week. Anyone?

Join me and Once. We'll get you a gun and some ammo. After that we'll attempt to make it to (hopefully) Alaska.
Is that @ me?

If so, keep it ingame.

JOURNAL: I open it up, but it's just a raccoon. I climb up to the top of Lotus Elise Towers by the ladder in the alley, and I see you, Gojira, standing there, polishing a rifle.
I meet you, we talk, etc. You loan me some ammo for my pistol, and I feed Jake.
I also eat half of a cereal bar.

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.


"Apparently God has it out for me.
Our convoy was ambushed by infected soldiers, who somehow knew their way around a weapon. Jenny was caught in the thigh, so I'm currently carrying on my back. I think it's great bonding time, having a girl on your back, would definitely reccomend it for you and your girlfriend. Anyway, I carried her towards the nearest military base, nearly dying from dehydration and exhaustion. As we approached the tundra of Alaska, a helicopter approached us and gave us a lift. After going through a full check to make sure we were not infected, we were finally allowed into the haven, one of humanity's last reserves from the infected storm. It's been three days and I still don't feel safe. Every day I sharpen my spear, now tipped by a scythe blade and axe-head. I still have to carry Jenny around, so I guess everything isn't too bad after all. I mean, how FUBAR can it go?"

Guys come get me in Indiana. I'm barricaded in my basement and I only have enough supplies for roughly another week. Anyone?

I am gonna pick you up....

But where in Indiana?

Is that @ me?

If so, keep it ingame.

JOURNAL: I open it up, but it's just a raccoon. I climb up to the top of Lotus Elise Towers by the ladder in the alley, and I see you, Gojira, standing there, polishing a rifle.
I meet you, we talk, etc. You loan me some ammo for my pistol, and I feed Jake.
I also eat half of a cereal bar.
Yes, it's directed at you.
 -10 pistol ammo.

Let's go get that guy in Indiana.

Get him some supplies, a gun, and some ammo.

"This is just like Left4Dead!" yayreferences
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 11:24:23 PM by Gojira »