Author Topic: Retail Modification?  (Read 2505 times)

Whilst I understand it is only the first day of it's release, I've found Blockland Retail really difficult to be able to achieve anything in, modding-wise.

Things such as pushing GUI's when a client enters a game, or making the client a spectator when they join are now impossible (as far as I know) thanks to the .dso'ing of all major scripts. I'd like to be able to edit game.cs, for example, as it has all the GameConnection Methods, etc.

I bought this game, as I enjoyed modding the older versions of Blockland, and would enjoy continuing modding on a more-stable version of Blockland. I know other people have also done this, and I'd just like to know what is being done to make it more easily modifiable, or what already exists?

At the moment, the only thing I've really found out how to do is to get the client's Blockland ID (%client.bl_id, for those who are interested), that all serverCmd's can be done through the messageHud (e.g, /kick ResonanceCascade), and make simple scripts which have little practicable use.

P.S, Sorry if you feel this was posted in the wrong forum. I wasn't really sure where to post it.

I'm overall disappointed as well.  I'd really like to see some files un-dso'd.  Modding is a bit more difficult if you don't know entirely what you're working with.

I agree.  I'm not out to steal your code Badspot.  Besides, we all know that the first one to post it on the forum gets the credit, right?  I would love to expand the capabilities of your game, and any help you can give would be great.


  • Administrator
The trouble is that some of the authentication procedures are done from script and could be disabled or circumvented if I released all of the code.  What is released and what isn't needs to be carefully considered. 

Rectangular bricks, Lights, particle effects, weapons, vehicles, emotes, music, chest decals, faces, and prints can all be added easily and that was the goal for launch.  The ability to do more complex things can be added later.

Just swap around the script files. Ones that can be easily abused/affect authentication remain compiled.

I see.  Well, I look forward to the code that you can release.  Thanks for doing your best to fulfill member requests.

As MeanSpot( :cookieMonster:) said, we should keep modding into "Expansion Packs".

Just swap around the script files. Ones that can be easily abused/affect authentication remain compiled.
I agree.
If it is possible.

Just swap around the script files. Ones that can be easily abused/affect authentication remain compiled.
That could be in game.cs you know that right?

Badspot, update the Blockland EXE so it has all the authentication code and leave everything open source, I would kill to modify player.cs to up the jetlag because

Code: [Select]
That is how jetlag works, the jet power remains constant, the player gets lighter.

He won't do that.
You all must realize that Blockland isn't free anymore, and the source-code actually has a bigger value than the game itself.
We'll just hope he adds a "Change jetlag" feature in a later version, he won't do anything else about that.

And, a shotgun, single-shot rifle and some automatic weapon (MP5???).

He won't do that.
You all must realize that Blockland isn't free anymore, and the source-code actually has a bigger value than the game itself.
We'll just hope he adds a "Change jetlag" feature in a later version, he won't do anything else about that.

FYI There are many games out there that cost money and are fully open source. Example: Garrys Mod 10

And, a shotgun, single-shot rifle and some automatic weapon (MP5???).
ill get right on that
id need models though :P...
i suppose i could jsut use whats there

easy jetlag/jet off options plz o.o

You can sort of do scripts such as client on join if you make schedules that check if there is a new client object every second or so. Would say more but I'm posting from my Wii. D:
Oh, Badspot purposely took away toggable jet lag(power) I think.