Author Topic: Remote Rockets  (Read 1510 times)

I would like a rocket launcher where you could fire it, and then control the rocket and make sure it hits what you want it to. It could be quite a good weapon as experience pilots on Blockland could easily fly it through windows and small spaces to get the best of kills.

It could be quite a good weapon as experience pilots on Blockland could easily fly it through windows and small spaces to get the best of kills.
You don't pilot a rocket.

The controls for the rocket would be the same as a Blockland plane, so people who are good at flying planes would be good with the weapon. Surely you would be able to figure this out yourself, geez.

How about a vehicle (without seats, rocket model) that spawns when firing and sets the player as controller for about 10 seconds?

How about a vehicle (without seats, rocket model) that spawns when firing and sets the player as controller for about 10 seconds?
And then it blows up after 10 seconds or if it hits something

There used to be an add-on like this, but it was deleted by Badspot because it used a very hacky and glitchy method to make it work.
Badspot likes clean add-ons so that players don't complain to him when a bodge-job add-on decides to glitch up their game, he would never accept this add-on because of the way it would work

And then it blows up after 10 seconds or if it hits something

There used to be an add-on like this, but it was deleted by Badspot because it used a very hacky and glitchy method to make it work. Badspot likes clean add-ons so that players don't complain to him when a bodge-job add-on decides to glitch up their game, he would never accept this add-on because of the way it would work
What I'm talking about would not be using glitches

How fast would it go, I mean, we want the player to be able to control it, but at the same time it needs to hit something before it moves out of the way or something.
Could be like a bi-plane kinda speed.

There used to be an add-on like this, but it was deleted by Badspot because it used a very hacky and glitchy method to make it work.
Badspot likes clean add-ons so that players don't complain to him when a bodge-job add-on decides to glitch up their game, he would never accept this add-on because of the way it would work
Rideable bomb?

So like, you would hold a rocket launcher, pull the trigger which would launch a homing rocket that homes in on where you look at?

Hey wow..
That reminds me of something....

loving idiot, YOU CONTROL IT. Read the topic before posting your stuff on it.

Hmmm, remote rokets.


I think you'll find he got it in the early 80s.

Guys theres a RC controller and you can get the RidableBomb that i think strato made and control that and if you click it blows up

Reminds me of a TOW missle from Warhawk. It's basicly the same thing but it is fired from an aircraft.