Author Topic: How to make zones that kills players?  (Read 2595 times)

I'm making an Apartment tower map, and i want to add some kill zones for when you try jumping off the building, how is this possible in the mission editor?
Reactorworker did something similar for 1.0 of The Planets, but that'rs really about it i know of.

I think Collision off can still activate playertouch events

I think Collision off can still activate playertouch events
I'm not talking about events, this isn't built with bricks, i'm talking about the mission editor, sorry. has a grill that kills you. You might want to look into that. has a grill that kills you. You might want to look into that.
Thanks, i'll want to go see what triggers it.
Since i use a city skybox in map, and the apartment will be high and i don't want to make people fall forever, i wanted this.

Darn i almost know this, Do triggers in blockland work the same as basic torque? :p

Yes they do, Use the one in bl-grill.

I think Collision off can still activate playertouch events
uhh maybee sometimes but not really much.

uhh maybee sometimes but not really much.
Actually, not at all. :P

yeah - work the same as basic torque.

GSF BadDream kills you if you walk into the closet, as well as displaying one of several messages.

In BL-Grill its lava that kills ya i think

Use Triggers. :D
Code: [Select]
datablock TriggerData(DeathTrigger){
tickPeriodMS = 100;
function DeathTrigger::onEnterTrigger(%this, %trigger, %obj){
if(%obj.getclassname() $="Player" || %obj.getclassname() $="AIPlayer")
Parent::onEnterTrigger(%this, %trigger, %obj);
new Trigger(DeathTrig) {
position = "-694.72 -0.57158 124.6";
rotation = "1 0 0 0";
scale = "1 1 1";
dataBlock = "DeathTrigger";
polyhedron = "0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000";