Author Topic: My rant on those people being a furry.  (Read 12403 times)

If furries gotta shut up, every other group should too.
I couldn't agree more, however, furries seem to put themself out in every situation, somehow.

Why is it that people have to be so...

I don't know the word.

Why is it that people have to be so...

I don't know the word.

Intolerant? Prejudiced? Unfair? Hateful? Overbearing?

Intolerant? Prejudiced? Unfair? Hateful? Overbearing?
All of the above.

Intolerant? Prejudiced? Unfair? Hateful? Overbearing?
If it's any of these then I'll have to explain that I don't mind if they stick to their respective topics.
For example a topic containing furry art. I don't see the problem with that.

But when someone posts a gigantic loving wall of furry images that are completely unrelated to the game the topic is about, it's quite aggravating.

But when someone posts a gigantic loving wall of furry images that are completely unrelated to the game the topic is about, it's quite aggravating.
I think somebody named vv did this once.

Actually, vv made a topic called "The furry art topic" or something and posted tons of furry art.

I worded my post wrong.
If the topic is for furry art, or some other topic where you post a specific type of image (desktop, avatar, etc), then I'm perfectly okay with that.

But when the topic is about a fighting game, and some stuffhead posts like 20 images containing questionable furry images, then it's not okay.

Ike's got the right to his opinions. I personally don't care about people's loveual preferences (or indeed, zoological preferences).

Ike's got the right to his opinions. I personally don't care about people's loveual preferences (or indeed, zoological preferences).
Sorry about double post, there was no modify button.

I suppose I should say "biological" preferences in retrospect, because we're not exactly all of us furries.

furry rant threads are handicapped.
just like the OP who posts them.

This is handicapped, why do people make such a fuss about furries? Because they're different? It's pretty much like being tribal against an African American person, more like b*tching about somebody being gay, since it's how they chose to live their lives, and are wrongly influenced to blend in with everyone else. Diversity is good.

Somehow, I have this feeling this thread will have no effect whatsoever.
I mean, you are ranting about ranting...

basically ike just uses the same generic (hey! a pun!) argument that every furry-hating tard uses.

and just about every furry who feels butthurt about it either pretends to not care and go "w/e i dun care" or "stop insulting me us ogm"

then eventually it turns into the same loving text-based gun fight as always, get's locked, people (including OP and butthurt furcigarettes) are butthurt for 2-5 weeks, forget about it, then next month, another furry rant thread comes around.

it's a big loving never-ending loop with you friends, isn't it?