Author Topic: Dynasty Warriors Online - Open Beta, FINALLY! :)  (Read 2059 times)


This is like the good dynasty warriors games (normal/empires, not strikeforce), but also online.

Sadly I cannot play too much because my computer runs this game like a slideshow.
I can still play because my brother's computer can handle it. He'll probably be glued to Black Ops on the PS3 when it comes out anyways.

There is only 1 scenario and 1 server.

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« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 09:45:04 PM by Chrono »

wu is for pussies, shu is where its at!!11!

wu is for pussies, shu is where its at!!11!
Wu and Shu are coolbr0s.
Wei is for pussies.

Controls are terrible.

looked cool until tails told me about it when he got into closed beta:
Controls are terrible.

Funny because the controls are not only customizable, but it plays pretty well like the console games when you use a controller. :)

You should try things from personal experience. Not what tails says. (Because on most occasions he's handicapped)

Aw that's not nice. The problem is theres too many buttons and the default are spread out across the keyboard.
I would try with my ps3 controller but i can't be bothered with booting into testing mode.

I could also say something about the camera being a bit off, But that's probably just me being handicapped again
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 07:03:58 AM by tails »

There aren't really that many buttons. Some of them are rarely used.
You mostly only need normal attack, charge attack, block, and jump.
Upgrade, map, muoso attack are all rarely used.
I don't even remember what other buttons you actually use in battle.

I do agree that controlling the camera is slightly annoying though, if that's what you meant by 'off'.

I use a PS3 controller. The cool thing about the config menu is that you can hit a button on the controller to assign it, unlike in other games where you have to either test the controller or remember which button is which.

I have my controls set as:
1 (Square) = Normal Attack
2 (Triangle) = Charge attack
3 (Circle) = Muoso Attack
4 (X) = Jump
5 (L1) = Upgrade
6 (R1) = Block
7 (L2) = Mini-map
8 (R2) = Summon Lieutenant
9 (Select) = Chat
10 (Start) = Help (wat dis do?)
12 (R3) = Switch Right stick mode thingy

So no one wanna help me beat up Wei? :c

Why the hell all Korean MMOs use same ugly font. :o

Well i would use a ps3 controller too but the whole 64bit driver stuff makes me not.
Plus i played way too much of it on ps2 so i know the buttons on it.

I have DW Extreme Legends on PS2, is it comparable?

I have DW Extreme Legends on PS2, is it comparable?
Haven't played Extreme Legends.

Why the hell all Korean MMOs use same ugly font. :o
Font. Super important.

I used to play this in my gameboy advanced :/