Author Topic: The Retail Blockland Appreciation Thread  (Read 1598 times)

I'm looking in the general forums right now and all I see is threads that are about problems or some sort of stupid issue like "omg wersz movas..maormovasplzplz". Since Badspot locked the "It's here..." thread I thought I might make another thread specifically to praise the new blockland. So, say anything you like in this thread as long as it is positive towards blockland.

I'll start:

One of the first things I really like about the new blockland is being able to build hundreds of bricks without a simple lag. The other day I put this HUGE tunnel on a train track some one had made... it must have been at least 500 hundred bricks and there must have been thousands more in the server all total. Now I can build as much as I want without getting the "use the f***ing ew nub" from other members that used to play on the beta with rtb. Another thing I really like is the graphics... so nice and smooth, and the lighting is great.

Now it's your turn! It dosen't have to be long, just maybe one comment about why you like the new blockland. If can't do this go find one of the other threads to complain in.


I love the add-ons system, it encourages mini mods a lot more. Right now it feels great that we can mod and be happy without a major mod such as rtb. I had some fun while deciphering the new player appearance system for my bots too. I can't wait to delve into the minigames system and much more.

...The other day I put this HUGE tunnel on a train track some one had made...
That was my server :D. It also had a city and a massive download.

Yes, that was quite fun. It took ages to download because of the music - not the bricks. I will have to come back to your server soon =D. I really like the add-on system to, you can now mess around with stuff without screwing it up =D

I might add something when it comes out for mac.

I love the add-ons system,

It's just like Garrys Mod 10, but without the info.txt's

I love the add-ons system,

It's just like Garrys Mod 10, but without the info.txt's

Wrong, Blockland doesn't firgging crash on you for no reason and than the admins don't know what the hell your problem is becaus what really happened is that it got screwed up in the last update by Steam.