Author Topic: I SEEZ U's sniper clan recruting  (Read 12212 times)


4 bans in one topic. New record?

4 bans in one topic. New record?

I remember something about a chainban involving fourteen bans.

Welp, let's get to free-gay-furry-research-sending!

Someone else do it.

User was banned for this post

ill put his email on <---- email spam website

User was banned for this post

Make him an e621/fchan/ychan account(s).

I dare you.

User was banned for this post

Quoted so no editing.

inb4"sign him up for gay prons"

User was banned for this post

and nothing of value was lost on this day.

and nothing of value was lost on this day.

Only Mulch was perma'd, the rest will all be back probably within a week.

Only Mulch was perma'd, the rest will all be back probably within a week.
All but Night lost avatar privileges so something was accomplished.
Chat with Mulch
1:35 PM - Mr. Pink: How's the ban?
1:35 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: Fine
1:35 PM - Mr. Pink: lol
1:35 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: I can honestly say I wasn't expecting it
1:36 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: I can however see why he banned me for saying I was going to sign that guy for for furry pron
1:36 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: research*
1:36 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: even though I never did
1:36 PM - Mr. Pink: Forgot to put in :cookiemonster:
1:36 PM - Mr. Pink: Only way to get sarcasm on internet
1:37 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: Maybe, but I doubt that would have helped
1:37 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: Anyway I'm taking a leave of absense
1:37 PM - Mr. Pink: To do?
1:37 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: I don't know
1:37 PM - Mr. Pink: Sounds like fun
1:37 PM - Mr. Pink: Tell me how life is
1:37 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: Anyway I'm just going to do what makes the most sense to me
1:38 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: Leave all blockland related groups then go through and de-friend everyone
1:38 PM - Mr. Pink: Even me?
1:38 PM - Mr. Pink: :c
1:38 PM - Mr. Pink: Ok
1:38 PM - Mr. Pink: c:
1:38 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: I'm probably going to find someone to post the concert
1:39 PM - MrMulch The Dragon: Even though it's not done, theres no sense keeping it to myself
1:39 PM - Mr. Pink: Yeah

Woo, no more furry avatars!

You know JamestheLeet didn't really do anything bad, he just said inb4, which means he was expecting people to do it. But he was a handicap so yay ban!

You know JamestheLeet didn't really do anything bad, he just said inb4, which means he was expecting people to do it. But he was a handicap so yay ban!
He quoted his e-mail in case he removed it from the OP
It was a justified ban

Yes, four furcigarettes down.
Today is a wonderful day, thank you Badspot.

if you want i can be an hero and do it.  :cookieMonster: