Author Topic: .Aeris. - I'm completely perfect.  (Read 78498 times)

I've never thrown an insult in this thread once.
how insulting

I've never thrown an insult in this thread once.
Dont insult yourself

Alrighty then. I'd advise it best to cease, my friends. Insulting each other isn't getting us anywhere. It hinders only your own time and energies that you could be productively using to cure cancer or something of the sort. Let's just try to get along, hmm? Put this behind us. Learn and acknowledge, but do not dwell within the wake of your path, as they say. Kindness does solve such matters. And respecting each other furthers that. c:

This entire argumnt has become drawn out, boring, and damn well near pointless. Neither sides are getting anything done, except for shoving stuff down each other's throats and pumping broomsticks up each other's asses. Just drop it already.
This entire argumnt has become drawn out, boring, and damn well near pointless. Neither sides are getting anything done, except for shoving stuff down each other's throats and pumping broomsticks up each other's asses. Just drop it already.
This entire argumnt has become drawn out, boring, and damn well near pointless. Neither sides are getting anything done, except for shoving stuff down each other's throats and pumping broomsticks up each other's asses. Just drop it already.
I'm so cool for making a triple quote.

Alrighty then. I'd advise it best to cease, my friends. Insulting each other isn't getting us anywhere. It hinders only your own time and energies that you could be productively using to cure cancer or something of the sort. Let's just try to get along, hmm? Put this behind us. Learn and acknowledge, but do not dwell within the wake of your path, as they say. Kindness does solve such matters. And respecting each other furthers that. c:
Yes but people fail and keep doing it
I'm so cool for making a triple quote.
I know right.

Alrighty then. I'd advise it best to cease, my friends. Insulting each other isn't getting us anywhere. It hinders only your own time and energies that you could be productively using to cure cancer or something of the sort. Let's just try to get along, hmm? Put this behind us. Learn and acknowledge, but do not dwell within the wake of your path, as they say. Kindness does solve such matters. And respecting each other furthers that. c:
Now this is what I was looking for

Alrighty then. I'd advise it best to cease, my friends. Insulting each other isn't getting us anywhere. It hinders only your own time and energies that you could be productively using to cure cancer or something of the sort. Let's just try to get along, hmm? Put this behind us. Learn and acknowledge, but do not dwell within the wake of your path, as they say. Kindness does solve such matters. And respecting each other furthers that. c:
Ignorant words spoken from the one I expected.
If only people were able to stop denying their problems, then maybe something would get fixed for once.

Of course, I find the drama section best for trying to get people too see such problems.
However, their arrogance instead makes then angry, rather than enlightened.
Their arrogance also stops them from seeing their own arrogance. A vicious cycle that can only be ended by a harsh reality.

Ignorant words spoken from the one I expected.
If only people were able to stop denying their problems, then maybe something would get fixed for once.

Of course, I find the drama section best for trying to get people too see such problems.
However, their arrogance instead makes then angry, rather than enlightened.
Their arrogance also stops them from seeing their own arrogance. A vicious cycle that can only be ended by a harsh reality.
Like concerned mothers protecting their children for problems

so why do we hate aeris now? or was that all not true.

so why do we hate aeris now? or was that all not true.
I always dislike .Aeris.

Ignorant words spoken from the one I expected.
If only people were able to stop denying their problems, then maybe something would get fixed for once.
I'm not saying deny your problems - I'm advising people to stop senselessly insulting each other, that's why I clarified in the first place what this thread has become. I wasn't commenting on the initial reason behind this thread nor the contents predating the last few pages.

I'm not saying deny your problems - I'm advising people to stop senselessly insulting each other, that's why I clarified in the first place what this thread has become. I wasn't commenting on the initial reason behind this thread nor the contents predating the last few pages.
Well yes senselessly insulting someone really solves nothing. But do you think just telling them to stop is going to do anything? There is only one man in power around here and sadly he doesn't give a stuff.

so why do we hate aeris now? or was that all not true.
I'm not quite sure, Bisjac.

Well yes senselessly insulting someone really solves nothing. But do you think just telling them to stop is going to do anything? There is only one man in power around here and sadly he doesn't give a stuff.
That's why I was just asking them. Maybe someone will be "enlightened" by a familiar voice as opposed to a new revelation within their own self. Then again, maybe not. But it still couldn't hurt to at least give it a shot.

Last post in this topic, then I leave it.

From what I've seen, anytime Aeris spazzes out, it's because someone provokes her. Whether it be calling her an azn whore, telling her she's a he, or just plain flaming her, it's always you guys that start any flame wars with her. It gets old after a while, you know? We all know you're mad because you didn't get the nudes she sent out, deal with it. Stop being drama whores and drop it. It's obviously not effecting her, as she still posts frequently. Scaring her away with your ENTIRELY vague rants aren't working. It's obvious that the only thing that she did wrong was send nudes to only a few people instead of all of us (lol here).
Tl;dr - Drama whoring, rants, and name-calling aren't affective.