Author Topic: It's been nice knowing ya... :c  (Read 8808 times)

Well, the time has come. Many of you are probably screaming with joy, and I can understand that. I'm leaving these forums. In fact, I will probably be banned for this topic.

Recently all of these forums have been "asdasd furry!!!" or "GTFO FURRY UR GAY", or just some other stupid stuff. Pretty much every one of my friends here have been banned, and I'm bored out of my mind. Plus, these forums are too damn addicting. I'm not getting schoolwork done because of them.

Sooo.... Yep, bye everyone. If you still want to keep in touch with me, add me on steam. (

It's going to be fun seeing the hate posts build up on this thread.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 01:45:28 PM by Badspot »



I wanted to be the first to say it :D

I'm still waiting for my ban...

wrangle up a stool, folks. this is gunna be gud.

You are veeery late...
Not really. You're not very known at all so what's the big deal lol

And quit doin the emo stuff. Nobody's going to sympathize for you asking to be banned

Nobody's going to sympathize for you asking to be banned

Indeed. It just makes it more entertaining

I don't think you should get yourself banned. What if you want to come back :/

I hope Badspot just deletes the topic, thats what he should do with every im leaving thread so they know that no one gives a stuff about them

I hope Badspot just deletes the topic, thats what he should do with every im leaving thread so they know that no one gives a stuff about them

If they're making a rage-quit topic people more than likely already don't give a stuff