Author Topic: Old news is Good news - Paper batteries  (Read 2195 times)


 An expensive piece of black stuff capable of storing energy with ingredients like everyday paper. Outlined with nanotubes which play the main part of energy conduction, and its black color. Able of surviving extreme temperatures this small flexible battery in the picture can power your everyday watch or pace walker, and recharge without releasing dangerous battery toxins.

 For some reason it reminds me of Doom3, and UAC's achievements of storing energy within cellular structures.

battery in the picture can power your everyday watch or pace walker,
..Pace maker? :S

..Pace maker? :S

A pacemaker regulates your heartbeat, which is why a reliable battery is important.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 07:52:23 AM by Riot »

When you run it counts your steps.
or walk.

or fly.


When you run it counts your steps.

A pacemaker regulates your heartbeat, which is why a reliable battery is important.

A pacemaker regulates your heartbeat, which is why a reliable battery is important.

 Because the heart has to run far, you know?   :cookieMonster:

 Before it stops :U

Pacemaker =/= creepmeter. I think you're all confused.

Lets lay this under our skin so we could call ourselves robots.

If you're wearing a pacemaker you better stay away from the field


If you're wearing a pacemaker you better stay away from the field


Son of a bitch, I need to read that.

So how much does this cost?