Author Topic: Ideas that should be made: A list  (Read 2524 times)

1) Horizontal Pole/Spike Bricks: Vertical Poles are amazing, but they really need some horizontal action here. Same goes for spike bricks.

2) Exit Camera Event: Along with letting the user hit "L" to exit the camera, I say we should have an event for involuntary camera canceling.

3) Client Sided Music Start/End Event: This would be useful for professional RPG's. Music could be triggered Client sided to signal some event or to go along with a certain objective, while not interrupting other players who may be doing something else. People say this cant be made, but I know it can be.  

4) Better Tree Bricks: This is long overdue, we need better tree bricks other than the generic pine tree that's about the size of our player. You can build them, but they rack up brick count like nobody's business.

5) Message Box Options Event: Like Message Box OK and prompt events, with just one option that is always 'OK' or just 'Yes' and 'No', I'm asking for a message box with more options than OK that you can set. Id, say four would be optimal.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 01:47:54 PM by Mr.Noßody »

I support everything here.
By the way, do you want horizontal poles because lady gaga said she wanted the vertical sticks? :cookieMonster:

By the way, do you want horizontal poles because lady gaga said she wanted the vertical sticks? :cookieMonster:

for the camera events, i'd say disable the light key for exiting

I support everything here.
This. These are some great ideas. But with the horizontal bricks, the idea is a bit wide open. Would the brick just include the pole itself, or would there be some plates on one/both ends of the pole to attach the pole to something? Frankly, I would just prefer the bare pole itself, and to be able to build on top of it. (Despite the fact that there is no stud on the top or bottom of the pole.)

This. These are some great ideas. But with the horizontal bricks, the idea is a bit wide open. Would the brick just include the pole itself, or would there be some plates on one/both ends of the pole to attach the pole to something? Frankly, I would just prefer the bare pole itself, and to be able to build on top of it. (Despite the fact that there is no stud on the top or bottom of the pole.)
Have you seen the pole bricks? Take that, and turn them on their side. They'd work like plate bricks. Perfect.
for the camera events, i'd say disable the light key for exiting
This wont exit the camera for you, and it wouldn't be event controlled which is vital.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 08:48:10 PM by Mr.Noßody »

Have you seen the pole bricks? Take that, and turn them on their side. They'd work like plate bricks. Perfect.
2.5 plates tall? heh, that would be interesting...
This wont exit the camera for you, and it wouldn't be event controlled which is vital.
event controlled would be more helpful than non event controlled

The music events should work with zones, and maybe have a music volume/fade event?
All of these ideas would be useful.

2.5 plates tall? heh, that would be interesting...
No, no, no. One plate high. Fit the pole brick in one plate, it can fit. Are you thinking of the regular 1x1 round pole?

No, no, no. One plate high. Fit the pole brick in one plate, it can fit. Are you thinking of the regular 1x1 round pole?
well, i was thinking of both, but sure

I really wish someone who could do a damn would come to this damned thread to see this.

3) Client Sided Music Start/End Event: This would be useful for professional RPG's. Music could be triggered Client sided to signal some event or to go along with a certain objective, while not interrupting other players who may be doing something else. People say this cant be made, but I know it can be. 
As good of an idea this is, sadly not possible without engine changes or client mods.

I've suggested that Badspot add in the functions into the engine I forget how long ago. (like, v8-v9)
He refused without explanation.

As good of an idea this is, sadly not possible without engine changes or client mods.

I've suggested that Badspot add in the functions into the engine I forget how long ago. (like, v8-v9)
He refused without explanation.
If it doesn't work, how does the Client sided music player work? That being said, why cant it be event controlled?

Oh didn't see the "client mods" part in there. I guess your right. What would happen if you took the client sided music player, and added events for it?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 01:16:28 PM by Mr.Noßody »

If it doesn't work, how does the Client sided music player work? That being said, why cant it be event controlled?

Oh didn't see the "client mods" part in there. I guess your right. What would happen if you took the client sided music player, and added events for it?
You can't add events for a client sided mod. Otherwise you could bring whatever event you wanted into any server. We all know this would cause problems.

I could add functionality for playing and stopping music through a command called from the server, but that would still be very inconvenient because if the person doesn't have it, they are not affected by the events, which would have to be server sided.

The best option is to have it in the engine, but for some unexplained reason, Badspot disagrees.


Needs horizontal spikes as well not just the vertical ones