
Would more players be a good thing in Blockland?

Yeah way!
10 (16.9%)
4 (6.8%)
23 (39%)
16 (27.1%)
Absolutely no frikin way!!!
6 (10.2%)

Total Members Voted: 59

Author Topic: Robloxians in Blockland  (Read 4882 times)

I don't want to restart the war, but I feel it's necessary to mention all the former Roblox players I've met in Blockland. Do we really want all these people trying to join us(I know I'm newish, but I don't insult Blockland with my lack of skill)?

While I haven't been here that long, I think I could say with some degree of accuracy that they can be accepted as long as they're not gigantic morons. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

You stole  my name you tart.
I used to be Orange Lightning e.e
and yes we do, because not all of them are idiots.
I'm not.

I didn't steal your name. Some of my friends and I are black, so we decided to put black in front of any word. I just happened to choose lightning, and it's stuck since then. I don't have anything against Robloxians, it's just that because some are control freaks, theyll abuse their power. Not saying that all of the do.

I came from ROBLOX.  And yes, I do not care if they join BL as long as they do not act like a moron.

Just to inform everyone, I voted sure, not no.

First of all, we gotta look into the future. Sure, they're gonna be more money for Badspot but will there be more idiots or more smarter people?

More than half the Roblox players i met are complaining how bad blockland is and are stupid but i know there are some decently smart people that have played it.

You think I should leave because I've played ROBLOX?

I quit ROBLOX to play Blockland

And if you think it differs my intelligence from what game I've played before or am still playing, then forget off.

Stupid topic is stupid.


Roblox Name.....Shane75

robloxians are people who want to play a sandbox lego game.
of course they are welcome here lol.

Didn't Eksi come from Roblox? Without him we wouldn't have some REALLY great videos.

I didn't steal your name. Some of my friends and I are black, so we decided to put black in front of any word. I just happened to choose lightning, and it's stuck since then. I don't have anything against Robloxians, it's just that because some are control freaks, theyll abuse their power. Not saying that all of the do.
Lol thats stupid.

Im a brother too

Didn't Eksi come from Roblox? Without him we wouldn't have some REALLY great videos.
He sure did. Some people may have came from Roblox who acted quite stupid in the past, but the community of Blockland can sure change people.