Author Topic: CIs overlaping in Events  (Read 875 times)

In events I did the event "onActivate > player > bottomMsg [<bitmap:add-ons/weapon_package_tier2/ci_magnum>]"
and it worked just fine

then I typed in "onActivate > player > bottomMsg [<bitmap:add-ons/weapon_package_tier1/ci_pistol>]" and the event for the magnum ci immediately started turning into the pistol's...

I don't know if this is a bug with Tier Tactical or Events but something ain't right.  I have no idea why 2 little CI pictures would conflict with each other.

Just wondering if there is an easy fix or something

Cant find edit

Sorry i meant "Client > Bottom Print"
Same problem also happens for Center Print and ChatMessage

for some reason, when eventing, i've noticed that when i first use a <bitmap:...>, then all others after use that one instead of the new filepath, not sure why

sorry I'm a noob in a lot of ways-
what exaclty is
"onActivate > player > bottomMsg [<bitmap:add-ons/weapon_package_tier2/ci_magnum>]"
supposed to do?

sorry I'm a noob in a lot of ways-
what exaclty is supposed to do?
displays an image of a revolver (or more like a red outline) at the bottom of the screen when clicking a brick

CI get messed up a lot.

Haven't you ever seen, in a TDM, all of the CI change to the Rocket Launcher CI for a second, or just the kill CI.

oh that's cool, didn't know you could do that..

CI get messed up a lot.

Haven't you ever seen, in a TDM, all of the CI change to the Rocket Launcher CI for a second, or just the kill CI.
yeah but why does CI mess up so much?  I assume its either a bug Badspot hasn't ever fixed or is some crap on that messes with CIs