Author Topic: GIF  (Read 1618 times)

Could anyone make me a GIF of this Guy?


1: left click on it and choose "save image as..."

2: name it whatever you want.

3: resize it to 75x75.

4: go to your profile on blockland forums.

5: go to like where your avatar settings are.

6: edit the avatar to the image.

7: if you need to, get like a file format changer program or something like that and change it to gif (i think).

8: enjoy!
(im not sure if thats right or not. Please blame it on me if doesnt work)

Your welcome!

It's a .swf. You can't just save it as something.

It's a .swf. You can't just save it as something.
Actually...I remember pulling this off.
It's dang hard to screw around with swf. files though.

It's dang hard to screw around with swf. files though.
Download and install a flash editor/creator
download the .swf file
open with the program
save as
save as .gif

Oh and in case you meant a normal size version:
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 10:07:53 PM by dkamm65 »

Well, I just tested the first direction I gave and it didnt work. So I tried the one dkamm65 (above^^) gave. That one works.

dkamm gave no direction, he just posted the .gif files :s

If there is any capable of transing it, I can use it, ill let him use the crappy Untransed one.

If there is any capable of transing it, I can use it, ill let him use the crappy Untransed one.

A thanks would be nice. I go through the trouble of making the damn thing for you, and all you say is "make it trans".