
Does your bathroom door have a lock with the screws inside?


Author Topic: Bathroom locks  (Read 1051 times)

At our new house the bathroom door has this lock that has the screws on the inside, and I always wonder how would you get someone out of the bathroom without breaking the door. I've recently moved and at our old place the lock had this mechanism that it was open-able from the outside with a special key.

I once locked my self in the bathroom when I was in kindergarten and I've had this fear of locking my self in there again, which is kind of irrational since I am now old enough the get out of there on my own.

can we have an "I have no idea" option

You could just go see, it's easier for me if you do!

You could just go see, it's easier for me if you do!
screws inside =?
picture if possible :c

Well, thats better than my bathroom locks.
Mine are completly flat, so my little sister just unlock it with loving scissors when i'm taking a stuff/showering

screws inside =?
picture if possible :c

When the head of the screw is inside the bathroom so that it can only be dismantled from the inside, where, in most cases are no screwdrivers.

Typically interior doors will have some way of opening a lock. For example, all the doors that lock in our house are of the "push button on locking side of door to lock" variety, and there is a very small hole on the locked side of the door, just large enough to allow a coat hanger diameter piece of matter through that if you push in, it will open the door.

mine has a keyhole but there's no key

Use a flat head screwdriver, or a coin

Why would you want people to open the door while you were on the toilet?

Sadly I've not come across a proper bathroom lock for over a year, so I've had to put up with greeting people as they walk in.



You could always buy new door knobs for your bathroom you know.
Here is a nice one from amazon.
It has an emergency access key hole on the outside too. :o

Door knobs are an American phenomenon, I've never seen one anywhere in Finland, ever.

Door knobs are an American phenomenon, I've never seen one anywhere in Finland, ever.
what do they have instead?
push doors?