Author Topic: v20 Suggestions  (Read 1373 times)

Post you Suggest here
*I want these fixed
 Visble light issue
 where its a gui how bright a light can be to  be visble
 and how many lights can be visble too
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 08:00:18 PM by Robo Dude »

Off topic: Nice avatar, Plasmus :P

On topic:  I would just like the lighting quality to be better, where a light would only light part of a brick.  For example, if you where to go to Destruct, build a large plate (64 x 64) and turn on your light.  It doesn't light up the plate.  Move to a far corner, and it lights up more than half of the baseplate.  Make the light apply itself to bricks like it would to a mission object (like the GCF city map buildings, or something like that).

More visible lights, no ugly white lines for borders on bricks, maybe black would do, and sideways arch bricks.

i think u shuld put more brick in it!!

What was the post before the edit?

What was the post before the edit?

he probably misspilled something!

he probably misspilled something!
Well Plasmus said he hated him so I guess it was something drastically different before

I suggest suggestions get published.

(Probably not possible, or would require alot of edits to the engine/game, or complicated scripts no one has time for...)

I wish for buildable vehicles.
I know this has been suggested on just about every update, but it would be great.
There should be a brick, in the special section (Is that what it's called? It's the last default tab...) that would serve as a "Baseplate."
It would be small, about jeep sized, give or take, with some basic round wheels.
You could place a brick on it, and it would align with the baseplate, and not the grid, and become part of the vehicle.
The baseplate could either include a seat on it, just have the player sit in the upper middle, or a brick could be placed to serve as a seat.
It would be a bit slower than the jeep, and could use either the default vehicle physics system, or possibly the new brick system, but probably better in the default vehicle physics.

Another option is to actually place the wheels next to it. They would have to be touching the sides of the baseplate.
2 wheels would have the physics of a motorcycle.
3 or more would use the vehicle physics system.
The baseplate would probably need to be placed 1-2 bricks above the ground, so that you could place your wheels, if used.

What about wings? That would be great. Or use a baseplate that instead flies like the magic carpet, or similar to planes like the Stunt Plane. You could build the wings yourself.

Wrenching the baseplate could probably set it as a plane, or a vehicle. Also adjusting the speed.

What about events? Could the baseplate enable events? Could there be special events added that affect the vehicle?

What about admin only? You could probably set that in an options menu or something.

This would be an amazing feature added to Blockland. I would love this.

If you read all this, thank you.

tl;dr: Buildable cars. Adjust with wrench, it would be awesome. Plz do.


redo this freaking brick grid 'system' to be more.. flexible/dynamic..