Author Topic: chrisd --- I AM THE ANTI NOOB AVENGER!  (Read 1745 times)

His short lived clan:
An example in the forums:

Dispute his negative reception on the forums, I've actually had a few people IRC me after being killed on my server a lot because they suck at DMing and say things like "im gonna tell Chrisd and his clan about u!!1!"

Well, he actually came on my server once, and had this to say...

*there was a filter that changed various phrases, one of which was "god" to "imaginary friend", that's why he says that

I just thought it was amusing and that'd I share it with you.

Some of his most intelligent posts:
Name: Skip
WHAT HE DID: Have a stupid life

Oh look, another 5 year old that thinks hes so cool. I did lol at "I reported you to badspot for spawnkilling". Obviously he doesn't understand how Blockland works, and still thinks that "Noob" is a word. He probably expected us to thank him for making a clan that got rid of "noobs". Those kinds of clans fail the hardest.

um do you remember you used some kind of script to make me say that. where it says "ok stop the nooby act" that was the only thing really that i REALLY said

um do you remember you used some kind of script to make me say that. where it says "ok stop the nooby act" that was the only thing really that i REALLY said
Please come back to my server, I have some noobs that need taking care of.

i still laugh at the imaginary friend thing



and then what give me gift baskets full of roses?

Hey look my brother is in one of those images! :cookieMonster:

um do you remember you used some kind of script to make me say that. where it says "ok stop the nooby act" that was the only thing really that i REALLY said

that's still a stupid thing to say

I just irc'd him. He keeps saying something about a script, but his grammar is that of a 5 year old. His only defense is saying that you're a noob. I guess im a noob because I have a different opinion then him and better grammar.

yeah guys soz but this noob hes trying to make me look bad even though he used some script thing to make me say stuff when i didn't even though my keyboard
yeah so soz this guy needs to be banned

yeah guys soz but this noob hes trying to make me look bad even though he used some script thing to make me say stuff when i didn't even though my keyboard
yeah so soz this guy needs to be banned

that was also a stupid comment.

or are you still "under control of the script?"

had to be reconstructed
the quote link might be a bit...wrong
all the posts in the topic are from 2010 and his post does not appear anywhere at all...

yeah guys soz but this noob hes trying to make me look bad even though he used some script thing to make me say stuff when i didn't even though my keyboard
yeah so soz this guy needs to be banned

In other words, "OMFG THIS IS SHOP'D!"

Even if it was photo shopped which is highly unlikely, you're still a loving moron. You're probably like five or something so I'm going to tell you a few things.

1. Cursing does not make you cool. (Even if I do it all the time. )

2. Don't say "noob".

3. Take responsibility for your actions.

If there is one thing about this forums that can either make you or break you, its your grammar and maturity.
Bad grammar-Nobody takes you seriously.
Good grammar-People respect you-That is if you aren't a troll or some sort of annoying nuisance.
Also, the way to you respond to certain things can tell a lot of people how mature you are, regardless of your age.