Hello. (I give hello at the start of my all topics, eh this is other thing...) What should be the idea to make an progressive Blockland that to have and Bac's pack things in it? And the gui to have next updates: GOD Mode, Super admin maker, gun spawner, car spawner, Special spawner (Bots,copy, copy of another player, an copy of your own maked apperance withowt change your apperace), new bricks, over 20 inventory spaces (20 inventory spaces is in back's pack) i mean, like....... 30 (the other 10 from the 20+10) and the 30 space to be Alt+ (an non-used key)+the number of inventory (the spaces from 20-30) spaces from 10-20 are Alt+number, and 0-10 the original (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,0) and 0 is inventory space 10........ an special editor gui, that to give first wen u put the mouse on an item to show the item photo in mini-screen in the mouse (appear as an mimi-screen wen in desktop u press right mouse button) also an score table that to show and the Self Deletes, kills, total, cuz they show only total.... and an auto-save that can be changed in the options screen, killer (kills the person u select), respawn (respawns the people u select), shifter (changes the player selected with you and the selected player is you, apperance or name effects will dont be avabile), improved inventory, an smiles place to put and smiles....... improved decals, grapich, sounds, effects and some new and cool, cars...... And much more but......
Toma Claudiu Alexandru
Age: 10
Birthday: 8, December, 2007
Moto: The next era of blockland it starts!