Author Topic: saving certain bricks  (Read 6293 times)

I would love to only save certain bricks, like a car mobel, or a building, and place it anywhere you want, this would be good for several reasons
1. Good building, but town? just save the building
2.woops, made the building one to the side, save it, destroy, and replace it
3. make a good building and span it again and again!
this would be done with a "save wand", hit every brick to be saved! and hit it agin to unsave it
Also, if you hit a base plate, everything connected on it would also be saved
« Last Edit: March 05, 2007, 06:06:28 PM by digmaster »

certain ... seriously Firefox has spell check ...

I would love to only save cirtin bricks, like a car, or a building, and place it anywhere you want, this would be good for several reasons
1. Good building, but town? just save the building
2.woops, made the building one to the side, save it, distroy, and replace it
3. make a good building and span it agin and agin!
Use a macro for the house thing.

Aside from english, he aslo fails to provide an idea on HOW this would be done.

You would need some way to either hit every brick to select them, then save them into a temp, or save every brick in a box you define in some way.

Macros for large builds are not exactly easy.

my poit exactly, plus i'm in a hurry, i'm in the middle of a class

How'd you know that i used firefox?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2007, 06:05:12 PM by digmaster »

I think a 'zone' would be easy- Somehow have Blockland draw a box, and everything inside the box is saved.... Would be fairly simple, I'd imagine. I too could make use of such a feature.

my poit exactly, plus i'm in a hurry, i'm in the middle of a class

How'd you know that i used firefox?

Firstly: poit != point

Secondly I didn't.

I was going to say that only an idiot uses IE. But since you feel it is necessary to post on a game forum while in class, I now know that idiots also use Firefox. 

I think a 'zone' would be easy- Somehow have Blockland draw a box, and everything inside the box is saved.... Would be fairly simple, I'd imagine. I too could make use of such a feature.

Only issue is how to make the box.

Iv had about five minutes to do anything on my laptop, not that much time, since I wasted most of it on sketchup

(cough) vmf loader from gmod (cough)

Combines post got deleted :O.....Did he also get banned?

Yeah, it would be fun to copy bricks in a selected area, save just those bricks, and so on...

Code: [Select]
Please note that I just made this up to say that make it so only super admins can save all bricks and others can only save their own :o

Good Idea, but I'm looking for something else, lots of people are looking for something like this, post it were it'll be more relevant and appreciated.