Author Topic: The Ways to troll/prank people thread!  (Read 14145 times)

He rides my bus.

He was really, really angry.
Ride on the Magic stuff Bus.

Why the forget would someone touch a piece of stuff?

Great The Best Troll Pieces Troll quotes of the thread!

1.When the light turns green, wait until it turns yellow to go.

2.When the cashier asks you if you found everything okay, instead of saying 'yes', go into depth about the various items you could not find.

3.In high school I took a square piece of tinfoil and put it over a hotwheels sized RC car in the lunchroom. Teacher tried to pick up piece of trash and I drove it away. Did this for like 2 minutes until she got so loving fed up that she just stomped on it.

4.When you meet someone tell them you "got the thing," look around in your pockets and pretend you can't find it to build up suspense.
then say oh here it is, pull your hand out of your pocket and show them a middle finger.
When you go to the restroom, piss on the stalls

If a teacher asks who owns a certain paper, say it's yours and when they hand it to you, say it isn't yours, Repeat.

Mock people

Talk about how being a furry is good for you in front of everybody else
Wield a sign that says something positive about gay love

Smile LIKE a troll, it actually works, people go "Dude, what the forget are you doing"

When you go to the restroom, wipe your ass with the toilet paper, and leave it laying around

Engrave "Umad?" into the stall of a restroom

Write "imma furry" on your knuckles. (it works)

Also, when you are taking a class, clear your throat a bunch of times, and cough loudly.

Poke people

drive like a loving crazy maniac with balloons shaped like nukes attached to your car

Search for stupid emo friend on facebook and post stuff like "down the river not across the street noob"

Sit on somebodys roof and say "Gonna get raped" (i did this, and quickly got the hell out of there)
Say "your mom" a lot
Tell people they're gay, even if it's a girl
Say "Thats what she said" a lot

Hold the door for somebody, and before they walk through, slam it in their face


Here it comes

show that fake news site "The onion" to somebody and insist it is true until they walk off, and when they do, go WOAH! THATS SO COOL!
And repeat

Use that handicapped insult Cool=constipated overweight old lady

Fart and blame it on people
Say something other than what somebody told you to say, followed by "pass it on" best if what you say is some kind of rumor
Bring a slide whistle/spinner whistle to school, and blow the forget out of it when your teacher turns, then quickly stuff it in your pocket

say BUTTlove ISN'T COOL repeatedly in the hallways

Punch/kick random starfishs in the balls, then run like hell, once again screaming "forget YOOU"
The funniest part is that i've actually done a lot of these things

When your teacher is talking say loudly "OW PAPERCUT" followed by a coolface, repeat.

tell people they're fyat, then when they deny it, boobcheck 'em
Buy a twenty-pack of those little evergreen car fresheners.

Find a trusty screwdriver, preferrably with a skinny-bit, if possible.

Somehow gain entry to where this person lives, when they're not around.

Put little trees everywhere, hide them wherever you find space. My favorites:
    -Inside keyboards
    -Under heavy stuff (TVs, monitors, furniture)
    -Behind pictures
    -Under placemats

So, they easily detect the smell when they come back. They search for a few minutes, find one of the trees, toss it out, and assume they're out of the woods. A few hours later, the scent is still strong, so they look again. Again, the find the tree, discard it, and think they're all done. This continues until they just can't find some (like inside the keyboard).

Offer solace (or hints) in exchange for loveual favors.
This last part is my favorite.
It's not trolling on this forum, its trolling in life
there's no rule against that

Bubble toast

Insist your "parts" hurt and when people ask if you're talking about your balls tell them "NO! my parts!" and repeat until they finally get that they won't be getting anywhere with you

Insist EVERYTHING looks like a snake
When your teacher is talking, just giggle and laugh for no reason until she tells you to shut the hell up, repeat once she starts again (works on guys too, but i've got too many woman teachers)

Insist you know kung fu and make handicapped movements
   Tell people you can do the splits, go down like an inch and say "OW forget, MY LEGS" and pretend you can't move, when people ask you what's wrong, or if you're ok, just tell them "nothing" or just laugh and walk away

Shove the entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet and flush it four times

Kick doors open

When ordering lunch, grab what you want, "accidentally" drop it, and order something else, repeat
When you are told to do something, be EXTREMELY specific. basically like dkamm when he goes "What about your an idiot?"

Tell your math teacher you know a trick, and when you go to show her, tell her you forgot, then repeat, but instead say "I THINK I REMEMBER NOW"
Find someone with a TV, the bigger/older it is, the better.

Get some aluminum foil and scotch tape and scissors.

Take a single sheet, preferably large enough to cover most of the TV.  Do not tear the sheet with the metal teeth on the box, use scissors.

With the same scissors, bevel the corners a bit.

The key here is no sharp edges. This is because sharp corners can discharge. You want the foil to be as charged as possible to produce as large a shock as possible. You see,  the metal teeth create a large amount of sharp edges, which is why you should not use them.

Using one piece of tape per corner, tape the foil to the TV.

Turn the TV off and on again several times. Be careful though, too many times could result in serious injury, and we don't want a lawsuit on our hands, now do we?

What you've made is a giant capacitor between the inside of the TV, and the aluminum foil. Basically, it'll shock stuff.

If the TV is on, turn it off, put down the remote, and leave.

Whoever comes to watch TV next will come in and wonder why there's aluminum foil on the TV. They will proceed to try to remove the aluminum foil and get an large shock.

Alternate ending for Mafia-types - fill the room with some sort of odorless, colorless, flamable gas, the spark from the TV will ignite the gas, and kill the per
holy stuff i just noticed that you meant ban for life
Draw creepbears on your paperwork, and write "gonna get raped next to it" then make your name line say something loving random, like "whitey mc cracker honkey" (I've done this.)

Tell someone to go to a website that is a shock site and say it's a great site.

Take a stuff in the urinal.

Whenever one of your friends talks, (during lunch is what I perfer) yell out, "DUDE YOU'RE MAKING ME LOSE MY APPETITE."

Whenever you see a bunch of Asian people, close your eyes and ask them, "am I fitting in yet?"
call people bad names in other languages

bet somebody they can't do something impossible, reap rewards with a coolface

get deoderant, put it on your cheek, tell people to sniff it, and if they do, HEADBUTT THEM
talk Ub3rl337 to everybody IRL

tell somebody you know when they'll die, reply "when you do" when they answer, wear your coolface.

tell somebody you can draw them, get out a notebook/paper, and draw a snake on top of a stickfigures neck, tell them you're done, and show it to them with a coolface

See, i'm so good at loving with people

Tell a clueless person that meatspin will make them hungry (as long as they dont know its a snake)

when you piss (if you have to wear ids at your school) take your piss on the id and walk around like that

play doorknob with people who don't fart
 tell people you're able to do a wall jump, jump at the wall, turn away and wear your coolface. now say "Your turn!" and shove them into the wall, and run
Oh yeah, another one.

Open your zipper and put your finger through it, wiggle it around. <-- GOOD SHOCK MANEUVER

in french class say stuff in spanish, in spanish class say stuff in french

I've got more, just be patient
these take a long time to write
where is OP when i need him

Pants people

when somebody is drawing, ask them if you can add something, and if they let you, draw a snake
ask people if they LAO, and tell them to write the letters diagonally and say "LOLOLOL YOU MASTURBAIT"

Inform people on how much squidwards nose looks like genitals

scream "the game" in the hallways and laugh maniacally
Get a pack of sticky notes, and write "SPAM IS SPAM" on them and randomly walk the ailes and drop them

Print out a research picture and tape it to the bottom of someone's desk

When someone is looking away, push their stuff off the desk and pretend to read or write something.

As someone is about to sit down, pull the chair away.

Accidently tip the trash can over and put the trash in someone's backpack.
In public, while casually walking towards a group of people who are also walking towards you, as you get to about ten feet away from them, put on a face of absolute terror (exaggerate your expression), do an about face and run as fast as you possibly can. Exclaim something out of fear as you turn (ex: "OH stuff.") Bonus points if people start to run with you.

 When you get into a crowded elevator, face AWAY from the door so that you face everyone else in the elevator. Bonus points if you get everyone to awkwardly look at the walls or floor.

 Stare at someone across a room, even if they're not looking at you. When they do... keep staring. Bonus points if they leave whatever room they're in.

 At the store, buy the cheapest thing you can find (like a pack of gum or even a small bag of chips) and pay with a $50 bill.

 Give a homeless person a coupon instead of money. Bonus points if you put the coupon in your wallet to make them think they're getting an actual bill.

 Set your ringtone to rickroll. If your phone rings in a crowded, quiet place, don't answer it.

 Go to a public place that has a restroom only one person can enter at a time. When you know it's not occupied, wait outside. Bonus points if you form a line of at least five people. Double bonus if you form a line of at least ten and then have a friend casually walk in to the vacant restroom.

 In the men's restroom, look for two men occupying two urinals and use the one in between them.

 In a quiet room (like a library or a classroom in the middle of an important test), cough and sniff at regular intervals.

Make hideous faces at children while their parents aren't looking.

Stare at person's forehead instead of their eyes when they talk to you, occasionally glancing back at their eyes. Extremely fast way to make them feel insecure.

Go to a christian and tell em "Satan loves You" Works every time.

Wear surgical masks and gloves everywhere and act like you normally do, as if you weren't wearing them. It will scare the stuff out of everyone, especially if a lot of people are getting the flu in your area.

Go to Burger King and order a big mac

When talking to someone and another person walks up, start shushing each other and say "here he/she comes" loudly enough for the approaching person to barely hear.

While walking, swing your left arm with your left leg and your right arm with your right leg. As people watch you walk, they'll notice something is off but not know what the forget it is.

When invited to go to a friend of a friend's house who you know you will never talk to again, right before you leave, take a massive stuff in their bathroom and just leave it.
throw paper airplanes with messages in them during class

in computer class, connect a second mouse to someone's comouter and move it around when they try to click something

Loudly bang on the door of a classroom, run down the hall, turn around and slowly walk towards the door you banged on and pass it.

Place hand sanitizer on your friends chair

Fill your hand with hand sanitizer, and go shake people's hands

Rudely step on people's shoes and say "Watch the forget out"

Spit in front of people so they step on it

Piss in a bottle, write "APPLE JUICE" on the side, and leave in around.

stuff in a piece of foil, wrap it up, and leave it around.

Take the batteries out of the mouses in computer class (only if they're wireless)

Open other students Notepad/ Microsoft Excel documents and edit everything inside it.

Get a sharpie and color your friends markers so you cant tell the color

Place cinderblocks/cement bricks in front and in back of the wheels of your neighbor's car

Make a "YARD SALE" sign and cover a stop sign with it.

look through the window of a classroom and make a rape face

punch the door, and run the forget away

hit people with your backpack and tell them to stop touching you

turn a stopsign all the way around to face the other direction
(done this when i was little, just had to turn it back around)
tell people you have a special interest (of your choice, babies, feet, nose, etc) and insist on telling everybody about it

Make climax sounds in a bathroom stall and squish your hands together to make it sound like you're masturbating

 Draw anarchy signs on your body and stuff, every chance you get, draw one on somebody else

Scream "IM loving BLEEDING" and run from that spot, continue to scream and run
Draw a snake with pen on someone's homework.

Go up to a girl and say you have something to say to her. When she starts to listen, yell out THUMBS and run away.

If nobody is looking, unplug the mouse usb (and/or keyboard) on a teacher's computer.

Steal something from the teacher's desk (papers that look like homework for more lulz) and put it in a friend's folder/locker.

When you're in the locker rooms yell out, "WOAH DUDE THAT'S SUCH A SMALL DONG!"
tell a guy you raped his girlfriend

stuff a pencil in your zipper and ram into people

put your elbows into your shirt and blow down your neck, move elbows up every time you blow.
walk like somebody else (This really pisses people off, i have a waddling fat kid, so i waddle right next to him. He gets PISSED and trys to run and grab me)

Stuff somebody elses books into your backpack

(if they have flour babies for health class) take the sack of flour, shove it in your bag and walk away before they notice it was you

classic that works and pisses people off-poop in a bag on fire

Go to walmart and just try on all of their clothes until somebody tells you to go the forget away
Pour honey into your friend's shoes

Cover yourself in thick strong Cologne

When the teacher makes a remark like "This is hard" or "Does that fit?" say "thats what she said" out loud

Trip in front of someone and blame it on them

Make loud farting sounds in the bathroom

Download an MP3 of a guy loving a chick and play it loud in the bathroom

Scoot your chair closer to someone and when they notice you're close to them, say "whoa, not that close cigarette"

Drop a paper infront of someone, and when they try to give it back to you run away full force

Un screw screws in chairs and tables and such

turn to a girl or guy and say "you got white gooey stuff around your mouth"

Write "I SUCK richard" on a sticky note and put it on your friend

When your friend puts a notebook away and looks another way, take it out an put it back on his desk

break your friends pencil, when he sharpens it and looks away, break it again.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 10:00:09 PM by Demitiri »

Why the forget would someone touch a piece of stuff?
Welcome to my school, where people hide stuff on lockers.

 In public, while casually walking towards a group of people who are also walking towards you, as you get to about ten feet away from them, put on a face of absolute terror (exaggerate your expression), do an about face and run as fast as you possibly can. Exclaim something out of fear as you turn (ex: "OH stuff.") Bonus points if people start to run with you.

 When you get into a crowded elevator, face AWAY from the door so that you face everyone else in the elevator. Bonus points if you get everyone to awkwardly look at the walls or floor.

 Stare at someone across a room, even if they're not looking at you. When they do... keep staring. Bonus points if they leave whatever room they're in.

 At the store, buy the cheapest thing you can find (like a pack of gum or even a small bag of chips) and pay with a $50 bill.

 Give a homeless person a coupon instead of money. Bonus points if you put the coupon in your wallet to make them think they're getting an actual bill.

 Set your ringtone to rickroll. If your phone rings in a crowded, quiet place, don't answer it.

 Go to a public place that has a restroom only one person can enter at a time. When you know it's not occupied, wait outside. Bonus points if you form a line of at least five people. Double bonus if you form a line of at least ten and then have a friend casually walk in to the vacant restroom.

 In the men's restroom, look for two men occupying two urinals and use the one in between them.

 In a quiet room (like a library or a classroom in the middle of an important test), cough and sniff at regular intervals.

Make hideous faces at children while their parents aren't looking.

Stare at person's forehead instead of their eyes when they talk to you, occasionally glancing back at their eyes. Extremely fast way to make them feel insecure.

Go to a christian and tell em "Satan loves You" Works every time.

Wear surgical masks and gloves everywhere and act like you normally do, as if you weren't wearing them. It will scare the stuff out of everyone, especially if a lot of people are getting the flu in your area.

Go to Burger King and order a big mac

When talking to someone and another person walks up, start shushing each other and say "here he/she comes" loudly enough for the approaching person to barely hear.

While walking, swing your left arm with your left leg and your right arm with your right leg. As people watch you walk, they'll notice something is off but not know what the forget it is.

When invited to go to a friend of a friend's house who you know you will never talk to again, right before you leave, take a massive stuff in their bathroom and just leave it.

throw paper airplanes with messages in them during class

in computer class, connect a second mouse to someone's comouter and move it around when they try to click something

Loudly bang on the door of a classroom, run down the hall, turn around and slowly walk towards the door you banged on and pass it.

Place hand sanitizer on your friends chair

Fill your hand with hand sanitizer, and go shake people's hands

Rudely step on people's shoes and say "Watch the forget out"

Spit in front of people so they step on it

Piss in a bottle, write "APPLE JUICE" on the side, and leave in around.

stuff in a piece of foil, wrap it up, and leave it around.

Take the batteries out of the mouses in computer class (only if they're wireless)

Open other students Notepad/ Microsoft Excel documents and edit everything inside it.

Get a sharpie and color your friends markers so you cant tell the color

Place cinderblocks/cement bricks in front and in back of the wheels of your neighbor's car

Make a "YARD SALE" sign and cover a stop sign with it.

look through the window of a classroom and make a rape face

punch the door, and run the forget away

hit people with your backpack and tell them to stop touching you

turn a stopsign all the way around to face the other direction
(done this when i was little, just had to turn it back around)
tell people you have a special interest (of your choice, babies, feet, nose, etc) and insist on telling everybody about it

Make climax sounds in a bathroom stall and squish your hands together to make it sound like you're masturbating

 Draw anarchy signs on your body and stuff, every chance you get, draw one on somebody else

Scream "IM loving BLEEDING" and run from that spot, continue to scream and run
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 09:42:21 PM by KadeBL_ID12958 »

Draw a snake with pen on someone's homework.

Go up to a girl and say you have something to say to her. When she starts to listen, yell out THUMBS and run away.

If nobody is looking, unplug the mouse usb (and/or keyboard) on a teacher's computer.

Steal something from the teacher's desk (papers that look like homework for more lulz) and put it in a friend's folder/locker.

When you're in the locker rooms yell out, "WOAH DUDE THAT'S SUCH A SMALL DONG!"

tell a guy you raped his girlfriend

stuff a pencil in your zipper and ram into people

put your elbows into your shirt and blow down your neck, move elbows up every time you blow.
"INFLATABLE BOOBS" bonus points if somebody squeezes them
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 09:49:06 PM by KadeBL_ID12958 »

Make a "YARD SALE" sign and cover a stop sign with it.

bonus points if there is actually a yard sale on the street and the cops turn up and warn them not to put the sign over a stop sign

also, going into a small store (where you're always in view of the counter), walking around and looking at everything then leaving without buying anything ALWAYS annoys them. do it like every second day in some piece of recognizable clothing (a certain jumper perhaps) if you can, and never ever buy anything. I did this for about three months to the same store, eventually the guy yelled at me asking if I was gonna buy anything so I got a little bottle of coke and paid for it while looking really embarrassed and mumbling. He looked so put out, it was hard to keep a straight face

walk like somebody else (This really pisses people off, i have a waddling fat kid, so i waddle right next to him. He gets PISSED and trys to run and grab me)

Stuff somebody elses books into your backpack

(if they have flour babies for health class) take the sack of flour, shove it in your bag and walk away before they notice it was you

classic that works and pisses people off-poop in a bag on fire

Go to walmart and just try on all of their clothes until somebody tells you to go the forget away

also, going into a small store (where you're always in view of the counter), walking around and looking at everything then leaving without buying anything ALWAYS annoys them. do it like every second day in some piece of recognizable clothing (a certain jumper perhaps) if you can, and never ever buy anything. I did this for about three months to the same store, eventually the guy yelled at me asking if I was gonna buy anything so I got a little bottle of coke and paid for it while looking really embarrassed and mumbling. He looked so put out, it was hard to keep a straight face
holy forget that sounds so awesome. im going to tell me and my friends to do it with the 7-11.

Pour honey into your friend's shoes

Cover yourself in thick strong Cologne

When the teacher makes a remark like "This is hard" or "Does that fit?" say "thats what she said" out loud

Trip in front of someone and blame it on them

Make loud farting sounds in the bathroom

Download an MP3 of a guy loving a chick and play it loud in the bathroom

Scoot your chair closer to someone and when they notice you're close to them, say "whoa, not that close cigarette"

Drop a paper infront of someone, and when they try to give it back to you run away full force

Un screw screws in chairs and tables and such

turn to a girl or guy and say "you got white gooey stuff around your mouth"

Write "I SUCK richard" on a sticky note and put it on your friend

When your friend puts a notebook away and looks another way, take it out an put it back on his desk

break your friends pencil, when he sharpens it and looks away, break it again.