Author Topic: Server Drama: Hurricane123 - i want admin!!1!!!!11111  (Read 1164 times)

Hurricane123 begged in the dedi log for admin, even when I wasn't there.
Code: (dedicated server logs) [Select]
Got Connect challenge Request from IP:75.70.xx.xx:56747
Got connect request from IP:75.70.xx.xx:56747
  net name = hurricane123
AUTHCHECK: hurricane123 = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: hurricane123
CADD: 5204 IP:75.70.xx.xx:56747
 +- bl_id = 8521
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client: Add-Ons/Map_plate3/plate3.mis
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
hurricane123: D: D: :D: D:D::D
hurricane123: i want admin!
hurricane123: i want admin!
hurricane123: i want admin!!
hurricane123: i want admin!!!
hurricane123: i want admin!!!!
hurricane123: i want admin!!!!!!!!
hurricane123: i want admin!!!!!!!!!!!
hurricane123: i want admin!!!!!!!!!!!!
hurricane123: i want admin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Client 5204 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 5204 IP:75.70.xx.xx:56747
Posting to rtb server

BL_ID 8521
that's all we need to know

BL_ID 8521
that's all we need to know
No, the dedicated log will prove he did it. So people won't be like "lol no proof"

I mean to ban him and whatnot

 Or perhaps you merely made it up. I mean, being an attention whore and all, you usually act like a loving idiot and make backfiring drama topics pretty often. Nevertheless, I'm not going to believe you because you made this thread's title something that was never said. That and, well, you're frogger.

 Nonetheless, wouldn't be the first time someone begged for admin that had numbers within their name. [/controversy]

Dangit, should've taken a screenshot and not a console excerpt.

 I want him on my future server.

Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane

Yeah, he looks like a friend