Author Topic: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim  (Read 25760 times)

I hope they don't have some feature that lets people import there guy from oblivion into Skyrim.  I would be jealous because my Oblivion file messed up and I had a lot of neat weapons on it.

I hope they don't have some feature that lets people import there guy from oblivion into Skyrim.
Of course they won't, That wouldn't make any sense, All the games take place hundreds of years apart.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 12:55:05 AM by tails »

Of course they won't, That wouldn't make any sence, All the games take place hundreds of years apart.
It's spelled fence, tails.

Bethesda, please stop making RPGs

You've been milking the genre for ages and it's about time you should make something different.

Yours truly, the person everyone will hate because I said something bad about Bethesda.

Bethesda, please stop making RPGs

You've been milking the genre for ages and it's about time you should make something different.

Yours truly, the person everyone will hate because I said something bad about Bethesda.
Same could be said about Valve.

Same could be said about Valve.
And I don't like Valve either.

They make a game, and everybody's like "OH MY GOD (gamenamehere) IS loving AWESOME I LOVE YOU VALVE PLEASE LET ME forget YOU DASDASFA1!11!1!!!!"

They could release a steaming pile of stuff-covered glitches and get away with it and huge sale numbers.

Bethesda, please stop making RPGs

You've been milking the genre for ages and it's about time you should make something different.

Yours truly, the person everyone will hate because I said something bad about Bethesda.

Hey guys, these RPGs have been making us tooonnnnsss of money!!!!! Let's stop making them now that we've got a rep for good RPGs!

Sorry snaffs, don't think they share your opinion

It's spelled fence, tails.
wouldn't make any.. fence..?
Was that a joke or something?

Hey guys, these RPGs have been making us tooonnnnsss of money!!!!! Let's stop making them now that we've got a rep for good RPGs!

Sorry snaffs, don't think they share your opinion

they obviously dont because if they did they would have something other than generic futuristic/fantasy rpg #23 by now

wouldn't make any.. fence..?
Was that a joke or something?
You misspelled "sense" as "sence"
sence - s = ence = fence

You misspelled "sense" as "sence"
sence - s = ence = fence
jokes that take to long to explain = failure to funny :|


imperial guard rap go