
climate change is bullshit

climate change is bullstuff
58 (54.2%)
49 (45.8%)

Total Members Voted: 107

Author Topic: Climate Change - IcyGamma thinks not.  (Read 12503 times)

oh no someone who makes videos said something
better make a topic

maybe a quote would be nice.

maybe a quote would be nice.

IcyGamma's comment on his own video: "Its nothing but an industry designed to scare gullible people and create profit. Global temperatures change all the time, and throughout history the Earth has been hotter than it is now."

Needs a more appropriate awnser for no than "forget off"

you know what else is a scam...

you know what else is a scam...
Blockland is a scam bro.
you get it expecting to get a stuff ton of fun.
but you get more than a stuff ton of a fun.
what a scam blockland is.

The climate does change..?

IcyGamma probably thinks GLOBAL WARMING! is fake, which it is.

I personally call bullstuff on climate change.

If you're implying global warming, its been proven false.

If you're implying global warming, its been proven false.
Do show us where.

Those of you who claim it's bullstuff are probably too ignorant on the subject to form an actual opinion. How about going out and learning about it.

Existence is just a scam created by The Government to make money

By "climate change" Titanium was implying global warming. That is what the video is about.

The Titanium probably doesn't even know why he supports global warming theories. I'm not sure what this topic means, other than "Icy doesn't agree with my views wahhh I hate u".

Those of you who claim it's bullstuff are probably too ignorant on the subject to form an actual opinion. How about going out and learning about it.

Other way around. You are the ignorant one who needs to do more research.

If you're implying global warming, its been proven false.
There are several reasons "Global Warming" was created:

The first was for monetary gain

The second was to strike fear into people so they would trust the government more.