Author Topic: Chat with a Mormon!  (Read 1830 times)

Chat with a Mormon and post your results here.

Here's a little snippet of my latest chat:

Quote from: dem mormens
Me: Explain magnets in laymans terms
Kaeyan: Sorry but magnets aren't in our basic beliefs
Me: So basically, magnets don't exist?
Me: Does this mean you're only capable of explaining your basic beliefs?
Kaeyan: Of course they exist, they cover my fridge.
Me: Does that mean this website is made by a wizard?
Kaeyan: Yes.

Someone pretend to be muslim and try to convert them. Go.

Jenae: Hello, Spencer, how are you?
Me: I am good, how are you?
Me: Anyhow...
Me: Explain magnets in laymans terms
Jenae: why don't you?
Me: Because I accidentally the science.
Jenae: Sorry, what is that?
Me: I don't even.
Me: I had a stupid.

I'm forcing them to convert me

Jenae: Hello, Spencer, how are you?
Me: I am good, how are you?
Me: Anyhow...
Me: Explain magnets in laymans terms
Jenae: why don't you?
Me: Because I accidentally the science.
Jenae: Sorry, what is that?
Me: I don't even.
Me: I had a stupid.

Dude, don't ruin it.

They are not bothered by your actions.

They are not bothered by your actions.
Considering a large percentage of people who use the chat are trolling, I'd imagine they isn't.

I asked them why they have the chat thing if the majority of people using it are 4chan trolls and they responded that they keep it open for the people who are sincere about it.
They were all polite and seem like rather nice people yes.

I asked them why they have the chat thing if the majority of people using it are 4chan trolls and they responded that they keep it open for the people who are sincere about it.
They were all polite and seem like rather nice people yes.

 That's why I wasn't able to troll.

That's why I wasn't able to troll.
You're talking to a religious person over the internet, they're going to rage not at what you type, also, they've probably seen all the trolling tricks before.

Jenae: Hello, Spencer, how are you?
Me: I am good, how are you?
Me: Anyhow...
Me: Explain magnets in laymans terms
Jenae: why don't you?
Me: Because I accidentally the science.
Jenae: Sorry, what is that?
Me: I don't even.
Me: I had a stupid.
loving lol

Code: [Select]
Welcome to chat.
A missionary will be with you shortly.
Agent [Bianca] is ready to assist you.
Me: Explain magnets in laymans terms
Me: What is that.
Me: it a research website.
Me: ww.
Me: Eww*
Bianca: It is not.
Me: Prove it.
Bianca: Do you have a sincere question?
Me: Yes.
Me: You see.
Me: I have these 2 magnets here , and I wonder why they attract eachother.
Bianca: Have a good day
Bianca: bye
Me: Bai.
The chat session has ended.


Me: If i was an ice cream, how would you consume me
Merrill: do you have a religious background?
Me: I'm an atheist.
Me: or agnostic
Me: all of the above?
<waits about 10 mins>
Me: Thats fine i can wait. But remember im an ice cream and im melting