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Author Topic: Ostinyo's Mapping Tutorial  (Read 87755 times)

Heightmaps are dodgy at best. I've gotten several to work.

The issue I am having with them right now is I can't even import one.

When I got to bitmap in the terraform part the default directory is /common/editor/heightscripts/untitled-1.png

(I assume it's (Blockland/common.. ect)

In Mission editor I can't search any other folder just that. So I created that directory, and added a heightmap with the name untitled-1.png but that didn't work.

Am I right in saying a 256x265 .png is the right format?

Sorry for the late update.

Space Guy modified the editor to look elsewhere for heightmaps. Line 1985 of EditorGui.cs says

Code: [Select]
$TerraformerHeightfieldDir = "editor/heightScripts"; //badspot: removed common/
This worked a couple updates ago, but as I recall the mission editor has been removed from the Blockland website and neither editor nor common are default directories anymore so we can't use them.

If you open it up and change that line to

Code: [Select]
$TerraformerHeightfieldDir = "add-ons/heightscripts";
then create a folder in your add-ons folder called heightscripts it will work. I don't really like throwing random folders in add-ons like that but I think putting it in base or something is an even worse idea. If you really want to keep your add-ons folder neat then you may be able to set it to ./ and just add all your heightmaps to the zip file. If you're making maps though your add-ons folder is probably already a giant mess with lots of unfinished maps so a stray heightmaps folder shouldn't be too big of a deal.

And here's just an optional but cool thing you can do: open up editorRender.cs and look at line 28:
Code: [Select]
%editor.consoleFillColor = "0 0 0 0";
change it to

Code: [Select]
%editor.consoleFillColor = "255 128 0 64";
It will make your spawn spheres fill in a transparent orange color so you can see the intersection with interiors and terrain better.

And, yeah its a 256x grayscale .PNG

I read that but I feel I may have an different version of Mission Editor or I am just misunderstanding but line 1985 of my EditorGui.cs says

Code: [Select]
            new GuiControl() {

I was looking at the .gui file :3

I'll give this a go, hoping it'll work

Well I just edited it like it says and yet when I open up BL and go to the Terraformer part and go to bitmap it is still going to the common/... directory. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, probably an obvious mistake.

Meh, heightmaps are just screwy lol. And in response to your first question, I honestly think you may only have 6 terrain textures. Torque sucks.

MAJOR PROBLEM: ok I lied its not so major, but still. When I go up close to my textures it shows the grass from flatlands, but when im far away it shows what i painted (sand and snow in this case). I am using the default textures, could this be the problem or is there something i did not do? I relighted the scene and everything! help please! and soon, before i lose all hope and quit making maps!

I forget why this happens, but I know it has happened to others and people have already posted about it. I might check it out.

Unfortunately, this has never happened to me :/

I think it's the detail texture.

I forget why this happens, but I know it has happened to others and people have already posted about it. I might check it out.

Unfortunately, this has never happened to me :/

Please do! I've tryed messing around with some stuff that says something about grass in inspector mode, but all i've managed to do is crash myself

Please do! I've tryed messing around with some stuff that says something about grass in inspector mode, but all i've managed to do is crash myself

Those are probably grass emitters. You may have given them some impossible parameters and crashed the game.

Found out the answer to my own problem, the whole textures showing up as grass thing, part of it was detail texture, and another part was simply choosing a different starting map ;D. For future reference if your having this problem just start on the alchatof wilderness map and simply level everything. That's what i did...

Found out the answer to my own problem, the whole textures showing up as grass thing, part of it was detail texture, and another part was simply choosing a different starting map ;D. For future reference if your having this problem just start on the alchatof wilderness map and simply level everything. That's what i did...

The map shouldn't really matter.

And also, Nasoa was right again (;
He knows everyone like the back of his hand!

The map shouldn't really matter.

And also, Nasoa was right again (;
He knows everyone like the back of his hand!

That's a little creepy...

That's a little creepy...

You better believe it. Omniscience is not a normal human quality.