Author Topic: Daft Punk Helmets [SimpleWell Version Released]  (Read 33451 times)

Please make LEDs on version with the visor glowing red for tom's and the yellow visor with black happy face on for guy's

here is the pic of them on just incase you don't know:

Please make LEDs on version with the visor glowing red for tom's and the yellow visor with black happy face on for guy's

here is the pic of them on just incase you don't know:


The newer helmets do not have the LEDs anymore, and making them actually work in the model is near impossible for me... Sorry.

TRON LEGACY - See it now GREAT MOVIE (See it in 3D I thought I was blind after it!)

ONTOPIC:Holy... Im speechless I love you bro! BTW, My brother go sorround
sound in his room for christmas! And Daft Punk is awesome in it.\

The sound system has 5 minispeakers and 1 GIANT Bass about as tall as a 5 year old dog...

Argh. Someone could, but I hate making events.
Helping you out bro:
Code: [Select]
registerOutputEvent("Player", "MountMXH", "list MxHelm 0 TomHelm 1 TomHelmGlow 2 GuyHelm 3 GuyHelmGlow 4");
function Player::MountMXH(%obj, %type)
case 0:
%hN = "MxHelmImage";
case 1:
%hN = "TomHelmImage";
case 2:
%hN = "TomHelmGlowImage";
case 3:
%hN = "GuyHelmImage";
case 4:
%hN = "GuyHelmGlowImage";
messageClient(%obj.client, '', "ERROR: Type# does not match a hat.");
if(%obj.getMountedImage(2) $= nametoID(%hN))
%obj.mountImage(%hN, 2);
for(%i = 0; $hat[%i] !$= ""; %i++)
Alter it however you want, based on your code for the command.

Now release those glowing gears!

SWEET!  Good for Space RPs and Futuristic RPs, just a thought.  :cookieMonster:

Ha ha. Deadmau5 is just the same beat over and over again.

I dun care, but if releasing more awesomely futuristic hats means releasing Deadmau5 hats, then I'm all in for it.

arent these from ROBLOX?

Link for those who want the event with it.
Tested and works fine.
Once again, you're welcome MegaScientifical! ;D