Author Topic: What Would You Do If... (RESPAWNED)  (Read 6313 times)

Release the hounds.

WWYD if you uncle worked for the MI6 or some crazy nerd stuff.

Started believing in 2012 doomsday

WWYD if every single blockland key in the world was deactivated?

Off-Topic is my favorite blog.

WWYD if you were shot by my avatar.

I would... Hey I am already.

WWYD if Suqall Leonheart2275 will get a loving decent avatar?

Make you fix yours.

WWYD if people stopped barging in like asses?

I would believe in 2014.

WWYD if someone will steal your tacos?

Slap em and yell "WHY YOU TAKE MY TACO"S HOLMES!?"

WWYDI Someone came up to you and said "I want to be inside of you"?

* LeetZero takes out his bazooka.
Nuff' said.

WWYD if someone suddenly takes out a grenade out of his pocket while you are in the bus?

Yell ape.editediteditedit

WWYD if i stopped posting and made my avatar something besides gundam?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 01:40:15 PM by Squall Leonheart2275 »

I'd happyfaic.

WWYDI You owned one fast-food restaurant of your choice?

Smash it, buy a new one.

WWYDI You me in the, how? Yeah?

do your hole.

Want would you do if a terrorist barged into your holm and stuff on your table then ran outside never to be seen from again?

Tidy the awful mess up and report the incident to the local authorities.

WWYDI Something happened, that was not what you would have hoped for, or was it?

I would be happy? Or would I? Yeah would I?

WWYDI Every electronic you touched exploded?

Touch everything electronic.

WWYDI Then the yeah.?