Author Topic: Make fun of the person above you because of his name.  (Read 12618 times)

So it was forcebly picked for you? Wait wait wait, when did the BL forums become this strict? I'm pretty sure you can still choose your own username...

PS: But really, who puts numbers at the end of their name, its pretty lam....wait a second.......
I already said it, i didn't make this account. I was banned for posting something stupid in my other account and a friend of mine gave me permission to use his old one instead.

Oh no, It's a shame this is about making fun of peoples names
If only it was a make fun of peoples backstories thread so i could laugh at all those times you got dropped.

Oh no, It's a shame this is about making fun of peoples names
If only it was a make fun of peoples backstories thread so i could laugh at all those times you got dropped.
Killer is plant

Oh no, It's a shame this is about making fun of peoples names
If only it was a make fun of peoples backstories thread so i could laugh at all those times you got dropped.
Wow, another member of the "loel i r cool" gang, like we need another one.

That made my hungry, not sad. ONTOPIC: Newt, dusty old reptile

Crazy killer with no lady to hold.

Wannabe good earbuds.

haha u hav pink in ur avater!!!1!!11one!!!1!!

And you have an avatar of a sealion loving a fish. this is NAMES, not AVATARS.


hee thenks spalling thengs weurd meykz hem cawooul

Sounds like a disease a smoker would have.

Sounds like some sort of addicting substance that makes you feel like you're above ze clouds.

sounds like a generic emo friend 10 year old