Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3635720 times)

which jawline do you guys prefer?

Took me forever to spot the difference

I'll go with the first one

Every female you draw looks like they're about to hatch an evil plan

Every female you draw looks like they're about to hatch an evil plan

I tried to draw Armored Dove but I didn't realize there was any concept art until after I started.

so this is my interpretation I guess???

jesus christ I drew the hands small

oh forget me i just noticed this

always loving up my man to man riding thing proportions so i looked up some cool dudes riding bikes

more stuff too i guess

« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 01:51:21 AM by Kumquat »

It's time for some quality and mature imagery

[im g][/img]

It's time for some quality and mature imagery
do you have an obsession/addiction with/to gross greg or something?