Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3631157 times)


the website runs so excellently on my phone the only time i browse the blf on a computer is when I wanna edit an image and sometimes not even then.
i mean phones are basically great at everything these days, and it's really convenient. memeing on the go is my life

i was meme'ing

i was meme'ing

ahh, i thought it was a joke of some fashion but i couldn't tell exactly what it was about. still like my explanation though

ahh, i thought it was a joke of some fashion but i couldn't tell exactly what it was about. still like my explanation though

apologies for my secret meme

apologies for my secret meme

you need a permit for concealed memes

okuyasu looks like a forgetin baseball

I made this a while ago but didnt release it in time for christmas so here it is late: