Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3717278 times)

Is he naked?
Kind of. Think Silver Surfer.

I wish I would spend more time refining things.

Kind of. Think Silver Surfer.

I wish I would spend more time refining things.
Oh wow, i was seeing that sketch version of that image totally wrong, in more ways than one o~o


p.s. i'd like an answer for the question i put at the end of the page

Flame, nice Julia Fractals. They look nice w/ that guy

Ehh, I decided on this one instead

Ehh, I decided on this one instead

Looks like he came back from the ghetto.

Drew this during Bio., I have absolutely no intent on finishing it or any of the other random things I throw onto my notes.
I love you now (I'm not gay)

« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 10:30:41 PM by TeslaCoil »

This was the only sketch I could find... It's not very good and the perspective is off...


Doodling around in Paint.NET again.

You guys are cigarettes and are better than I am but since I just started drawing a bit again;