Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3631256 times)

What happened to his legs? Was there a tragic accident?
It's hockey armour. Allegedly.

I think I finally figured out how to use my friend's pencil brush set properly

[obligatory tail is where ass should be remark here]

I like it tho.

you should draw mammals more often

that does look pretty neat

[obligatory tail is where ass should be remark here]


also keep in mind the addition of this kind of tail to a humanoid body requires massive alterations to the structure of the glutes

would that result in a nearly taint-overriding rectum

would that result in a nearly taint-overriding rectum
kind of

I'd draw a diagram but knowing this forum I'd probably get reported

and knowing badspot I'd probably get banned


eat your heart out kimon
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 02:32:48 AM by Tudoreleu »

also in case your mind has auto-caps-filtering, this is a thing i'm doing


eat your heart out kimon

mine is still way better

nifty house john but was it meant to look mirrored"

eternally incapable of drawing mouths so have a fancy rectangle instead

i should stop listening to music at 12am because then i just draw stuff