Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3648175 times)


<-whos this handsome guy

Looks more like Yogscast Sjin
that's what it's supposa b ya

scott pilgrim
ya you're the third or fourth person to say that; i've never actually had any meaningful interaction with any scott pilgrim anything but i defo see the resemblance

waah waah WAAHRIO
his hair reminds me of a squirrel's tail that is cool

I like personifying things
you spelled the guitars name wrong
like i cant even focus on the drawing because of it
That is one of the most anime looking art styles I've ever seen lol
what is this supposed to mean exactly

im not following

what is this supposed to mean exactly

im not following

maybe it

looks like an anime art style

maybe it

looks like an anime art style
no no no, don't be ridiculous, that's not it.

what is this supposed to mean exactly

im not following looks like an anime art style?

no no no, don't be ridiculous, that's not it.

youre right, it probably means that it looks like how vincent von matisse used to paint those french girls in the 1299s during the great enlightenment

« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 08:58:31 PM by Badger »