Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3878586 times)

it's 1913
draw early 1900's stuff
new year every page

1914-1918 pages are coming up

I expect lots of great war art pls

great war as in ww1


great war as in ww1

I knew you meant ww1 but I had none,
Im sorry ;_;

have you considered like

making money

off of those

have you considered like

making money

off of those
lmao i didnt do those
all are by jaime jones, except the last two are by feng zhu

Pretty sure he's joking
lmao i didnt do those
all are by jaime jones, except the last two are by feng zhu

holy jesus those paintings are great.

holy jesus those paintings are great.
too bad he didn't make them
somebody get Gunny in here

too bad he didn't make them
somebody get Gunny in here
lmao i didnt do those
all are by jaime jones, except the last two are by feng zhu
He already said he didnt if you're implying what i think you are

I don't know what you're thinking of, but I'd just like to remind you gunny is that really talented dude who visits sometimes.

I don't know what you're thinking of, but I'd just like to remind you gunny is that really talented dude who visits sometimes.
oh alright nevermind then
I thought fpd was referencing some dude who stole art and claimed it as his own on here a while ago, and implying thats what kumquat was doing.