Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3631493 times)

Good point. Unova, Stop posting your drawings.

Doesn’t take a chef to know what foods you like.

Why is it that users who actually have potential in art turn out to be the worst ones
Yes. And pompmaker, who is a great article who decides to force his foot special interest and anime love onto most of his art, vigil, who uses his commission level art skills to draw out his kinks, and a bunch of smaller artists that rarely post like cable box.
funny how great artists draw for themselves because they want to, rather than for others out of obligation

would it be cannibalism if a plant died and its nutrients went in the ground and were used by a different plant

I've been bored in school so every day in art, I've been drawing a brainlet

LoL looking like #liberals to me Haha

LoL looking like #liberals to me Haha
Hahaha libtard soyboys haha

Draw the one with the completely caved in head please.

brainlet memes have been dead for like 2 months

brainlet memes have been dead for like 2 months

yeah pretty dead on the yahoo kids forum i agree

yeah pretty dead on the yahoo kids forum i agree
is there something wrong with the loving yahoo kids forum you piece of stuff

is there something wrong with the loving yahoo kids forum you piece of stuff

u know what this is the last time you have bullyed me on this public forem, reported. Enjoy being a keyless sack of stuff basterd richard also who cant play blockland