Author Topic: Remembering  (Read 2006 times)

Quote from: Me and Dropshock on Steam
The Marvelous Idler Nick: me and tails used to be real chums
The Marvelous Idler Nick: he like
The Marvelous Idler Nick: showed me the internet
The Marvelous Idler Nick: he showed me
The Marvelous Idler Nick: my first mmo
The Marvelous Idler Nick: ever
The Marvelous Idler Nick: maplestory
The Marvelous Idler Nick: hell it was boring as forget
The Marvelous Idler Nick: but it just
The Marvelous Idler Nick: introduced me to a whole new world
The Marvelous Idler Nick: I mean
The Marvelous Idler Nick: it was crazy
The Marvelous Idler Nick: and then I met more people
The Marvelous Idler Nick: joined up with two different communities, one of which was BL forums
The Marvelous Idler Nick: got retail
The Marvelous Idler Nick: and it snowballed
The Marvelous Idler Nick: and
The Marvelous Idler Nick: now I'm
The Marvelous Idler Nick: me

stuff man, it's been like four years since I've registered, five or six since I lurked here. I was just looking through all of my PMs and posts and just started remember all of this...stuff. My first server, my first build, my first friends, my first game. It all just kind of, came back. Like I told Drop, I'm not really the kind of "remember the past" kind of guy, but I just got curious today and looked through them for stuffs and giggles mainly. But then I went to anyone and everyone being all "Hey remember this?" and "Look at this :V" and etc. Then I started talking to tails, my oldest friend. We just started talking about all sorts of stuff, but then we hit something that got the even better of me: how we met. I mean, I know a lot of people now. Not all of them are friends, but most of them are. So I asked a bunch of people that I couldn't remember how we met. A few came up as "I dunno man" or "We just kinda met" but then I talked to CC, another one of my sort-of-old-but-still-fresh friend:

Quote from: Me and CC on Steam
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": i remember
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": randomly adding you on steam
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": and you asked me something like
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": "Are you a girl?"
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": "I'm no good with girls :c"
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": then
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": i remember we played l4d together via zer0
Prof. CC "The Nannerpuss": and i think we started playing stuff since then

I don't really know why I kept asking. I guess I just wanted to remember further. But the thing that I remember most of all, is how I found out about Blockland. I was sitting on the toilet, and picked up a GameInformer. So, yeah, post your memories about Blockland/the Internet.

my earliest memory of the Internet was a website called somthing like "" and it had all kinds of awesome games I spent hours on that site and then some sick forget Internetjacked it and turned it Into a gambling site :(

I found out about blockland on the brickshelf it was advertised there X) that was a happy day of my life

EDIT: lol that wasn't suposed to be a link but since it is you can see it for yourself it used to be an awesome game site and now... ;_; oh this crule world
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 04:02:57 AM by Mardalf »

I remember the night I got Blockland, almost two years ago now. I couldn't wait to enter my key and start playing. The first server I ever went to was Diggy's Metropolis RP. I had absolutely no idea what to do or how to do it, I just kind of aimlessly walked around, admiring all the nice builds. I then decided I'd try my hand at it (lol). I remember that the only admin there at the time was Skele and he gave me a bunch of really useful building tips (by the way, thanks Skele). Another thing I remember was Skele temporarily leaving the server and while he was gone, Diggy showed up asking if Skele was there and I said he just left. Diggy said to me, "Okay well when he gets back, tell him I want to talk to him about events." Thinking back on it now, I laugh at myself because I had no idea what "events" were; having come from recently quitting Second Life, I thought events were some sort of real-life meetings held somewhere to discuss the game.

I remember back in 2005, almost literally every day, playing Blockland (v0002) with Djy1991.

We had so much fun before ICTON became all huge/all over YouTube. :(

Then, I met other people, just to name a few: Illidan, Tails, Masterlegodude, El Barto (haven't seen him in forever), K-419 (Klesk, again, haven't seen him in forever), and quite a few others.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 05:53:20 AM by Miga »

I remember com telling me I would try blockland and that I should be careful because the community was not very welcoming. I laughed in his face and said he was estupid. Anyway I first played like v15. Ha you guys are older that me :X.

I joined here and got trolled alot

I joined here and got trolled alot
I joined here and trolled alot.

The first time I played, my laptop messed it up so there were triangles from every shape, person, and object. So I played it on my dad's computer. The first time I played was like, 2 years ago. I met the coolest dude ever named PacoTheTaco. He was like, my best loving friend. We did everything together. But then for someone I just stopped playing and came here. I long to get another key and start playing again on my new computer when it's built.

I joined here thinking I could pull you all together to be mindless army of drones to create every simple project I wanted.

That plan's backfiring put me in my place. :D

I joined here thinking I could pull you all together to be mindless army of drones to create every simple project I wanted.


Heh, I remember how I got here.
I was on Lego Univurse and someone said something about Brickshelf, so I went there and an ad popped up for Roblox. Shortly after joining Roblox I heard about (after translating the filter 1337 workaround, damn you admins) Blockland. I found it fun in the demo so I bought it and was even happier when I found out (about 3000 BLIDs later) one of my best friends from Roblox Sket had bought Blockland, so we did crap together and we still currently do.
Then I got Steam and found out both Joe (another one of my friends from Roblox) and Sket had Steam, so we hung out together on there and talked and Sket and I played games together.

untill some loving handicap reported me for hacking and my steam account was disabled

also if you decide to be hatin on me for playing roblox gtfo
i joined during a time where the admins weren't corrupt and people were good and didn't spam everything they saw.

I remember playing with zoneark back when he was an idol and not a troll.

And i was chums with him, after showing him i wasn't as much of an idiot as i showed myself to be.

Then a few others liked my presence, and now here I am.

Though i do remember, me , Doorman, and Copblock making a ton of drama's of each other for the lolz.

Oh, good times.

Then i believe me and miga became chums, and Aphtonites, Dropshock, Chriz, Mackthehunter, and like tons of people started liking me.

Now here I am, only taking part in the off-topics subcatergory of the forums.

Played BL back in V7 when there was GOOD servers. Like racing servers and all that stuff.
Man, I miss V7.

I remember back in 2005, almost literally every day, playing Blockland (v0002) with Djy1991.
Oh lawd. You ever play/remember that old Summer Camp build he made on RTB Isles? That was fun :o

Oh lawd. You ever play/remember that old Summer Camp build he made on RTB Isles? That was fun :o

Yup, that's mostly what I remember the good RTB days for.

I remember the days when I was using my sis' BL... There was this one server that I built a nice little cave on... I think she still has the save... <3

why is your avatar so gay
I dunno I forgot what it was