Author Topic: A multi mission server  (Read 2957 times)

In many other games, you can travel between maps while still on the same server.  I am wondering if the same can be done in blockland, where you could actually be able to travel between the kitchen and the bedroom without leaving/joining new servers.  An addon that can do this would be Epic and I'm sure there are people out there willing to take the challenge.


Ok, here is my take on how a server works right now.

The server is the circle (oval whatever) and the playing area is the box.  The clients are the little circles.  Imagine a second box within the server, the oval.  That is what I am talking about.

And this is how a multi mission server would look:

« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 08:53:38 PM by Nexus »

So what you are saying is that you want to go to a different map while the other people stay on another one.
The only possible way to do this is to make one huge map with different themes.

Other than that, no. I don't think it would work.

No, a map is a mission. I mean a multi mission server, where you would have multiple maps going. Almost like two servers in one.
I think it is possible, but would require a massive rewrite of some code.

No, a map is a mission. I mean a multi mission server, where you would have multiple maps going. Almost like two servers in one.
I think it is possible, but would require a massive rewrite of some code.

Quick, get a professional in here!
I have no idea how that would work, but it would be epic.
Like a door or menu allowed you to transverse between missions.

You would still have to load both missions every switch.
It would be easier to use Xserver, No changing maps, though.

You would still have to load both missions every switch.
It would be easier to use Xserver, No changing maps, though.

where you could actually be able to travel between the kitchen and the bedroom without leaving/joining new server.

You would still have to load both missions every switch.
It would be easier to use Xserver, No changing maps, though.

Go ahead and re-write the engine , or pay alot of cash for a memory increase so every player can host 2 servers that have a server menu inbetween them , but just make the mebnu look like a door and have just 1 switch option.
This is what you are askign for.
It can not and will not happen.

I think it'd require engine changes.

On the flip side, you could script a bunch of servers together and have them share chat and have portals between them. But then you'd need a bunch of servers and someone to figure the scripting all out.


i'd make a slope survival where when you escape

it changes map for all of you to a town

The way I think of it, it would be similar to how you can change channels in RTB.  In blockland, you can already have multiple mini games running at once, but I always find it annoying when people that arent in your minigame are in the way/interfering.  So, when you join a minigame, you could enter basically a different map so the people that arent a part of you minigame can't interact with you.
This is what you are askign for.

Not really. I mean having multiple three dimensional play areas that are linked together by the server.

Really, it comes to the basic way blockland is set up. Blockland is set up so each client is separate, but programmed to support multiple clients within the context of the mission, so why not take it out a step further and have multiple missions as well?

I think it'd require engine changes.

On the flip side, you could script a bunch of servers together and have them share chat and have portals between them. But then you'd need a bunch of servers and someone to figure the scripting all out.
I was thinking something like that too. I know how that can be done, but I'm just wondering if it really requires separate servers.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 12:59:16 AM by Nexus »

Impossible. Every map goes on infinitely.

Impossible. Every map goes on infinitely.

True, but that three dimensional space is constrained by the context of that mission, as I said.  A second mission would be like a second universe where you couldn't possibly physically travel from one to the next.  So, you can have multiple maps go on infinitely.

Edit: you seem to have no understanding of what I'm describing, which is fine, since it is really different and complicated, so even I am confused sometimes when I think about it.  Don't post if you don't get it.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 01:59:36 AM by Nexus »

bump for a professional

The only way you MAY be able to do this, is if someone makes all the maps in one map.

I'm just wondering if it really requires separate servers.
Yes, it does.