Author Topic: My girl friend dumped me :(  (Read 6515 times)

My girlfriend and I seem like, we're so similar, that we will never break up, :D (plus we've been friends since a WHILE back...)

On Topic: Um, get a different girlfriend that's not a selfless jerk that abandoned you for a stupid reason. Get a girl that likes you for who you are, :c.

My girlfriend and I seem like, we're so similar, that we will never break up, :D (plus we've been friends since a WHILE back...)

On Topic: Um, get a different girlfriend that's not a selfless jerk that abandoned you for a stupid reason. Get a girl that likes you for who you are, :c.
Same here.
Amen to that bro

My girlfriend and I seem like, we're so similar, that we will never break up, :D (plus we've been friends since a WHILE back...)

On Topic: Um, get a different girlfriend that's not a selfless jerk that abandoned you for a stupid reason. Get a girl that likes you for who you are, :c.
It's hard to find one of those nowadays

no it's not. just look on craigslist!  :cookieMonster:

no it's not. just look on craigslist!  :cookieMonster:

fail? ^_^" (TIP: don't look for a girlfriend, let her find you!)

She was upset at me because I did not talk to her for a week.  I tried explaining that my cell phone does NOT work in Poland. 

Wow. Seriously? What a bitch. You should have slapped that whore in the face. Dear god.


5 posts already, and i already dislike